Entries from Fuentes 1960 in Pollex-Online
Fuentes, J. (1960). Diccionario y Gramática de la Lengua de la Isla de Pascua: Pascuense-Castellano, Castellano-Pascuense. Santiago, Andrés Bello.
Language | Item | Description |
Easter Island | Ána | Aunque; si (condicional); sino; cuando Problematic |
Easter Island | Kaokao | Side |
Easter Island | Kapatiko | A fish (Lethrinus miniatus) (Rsr) |
Easter Island | Kape | Probably (Alocasia) |
Easter Island | Kapua | Fog, haze, mist |
Easter Island | Kahi | Tuna fish |
Easter Island | Kata | Laugh, smile |
Easter Island | ŋeʔu | Broma; embromar a uno. Jest, joke. Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Kato | Cortar; sacar las hojas de un árbol. To cut, to take off the leaves of a tree. |
Easter Island | Toa/toa | All Problematic |
Easter Island | Kau | To swim |
Easter Island | Kau/atu | Ten |
Easter Island | Kau | Move (of many people); increase, be multiplied Problematic |
Easter Island | E/kó | Negative imperative Problematic |
Easter Island | Kauvaʔe | Chin, jawbone Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Koohou | Inscribed tablet used in recitation b. (?) Problematic |
Easter Island | Mahute | (Broussonetia papyrifera) |
Easter Island | Kava | Sour, salty. Brackish (Wbr). |
Easter Island | Kaavei | Handle, peduncle |
Easter Island | Keho | Flat stone (found in Rano Kau volcano and used to make houses of Orongo) |
Easter Island | Keo | Abdominal shell of a turtle (Métraux 1937:53). Collarbone (Wbr). Borrowed |
Easter Island | Kekekeke | Chirp, chatter; shrill |
Easter Island | Kekeho | Unidentified fish sp |
Easter Island | Kere/kere | Black. Very dark, very black (Wbr). |
Easter Island | Keretu | Pumice stone |
Easter Island | Keri | Dig |
Easter Island | Kero | To finish a job Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Easter Island | Kete | Basket. Woven bag or pouch (Wbr). |
Easter Island | Kete/kete | Belly |
Easter Island | Ketu | Lift up, erect, exalt; rise |
Easter Island | Ki | For, in, on, till, to, towards, until |
Easter Island | Ki | May (in front of a verb); forms the imperative for the first person plural |
Easter Island | Kiato | Three or four booms linking hull and outrigger |
Easter Island | Kiki | Stiffen |
Easter Island | Kiki/kiki | Erect, rigid, stiff; convulsion |
Easter Island | Kiko uaua | Muscle (Thomson/Cooke) |
Easter Island | ʔIinaki | Alimento que se usa para acompañar otras comidas. El inaki mas universal es el pan. En la Isla de Pascua el inaki es la kumara Problematic |
Easter Island | Kino | Bad, perverse |
Easter Island | Kiora | Rat (Thomson)/ |
Easter Island | Kioʔe | Rat. Mouse (Wbr). Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Kihikihi | Lichen; ash-coloured, discoloured, colourless |
Easter Island | Koa | Alegria, gozo; alegrarse, estar contento |
Easter Island | (Ko)koe | You (sing) |
Easter Island | Kohe | Planta del genero filicinas que crece en la costa |
Easter Island | Kohu | Shade, shadow Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Easter Island | Kooʔiro | Conger eel |
Easter Island | Koke/koke | Halt, lame; to hobble, limp; lameness Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Kokiri | Name for an unidentified fish |
Easter Island | Koko/koko | Cackle, crow |
Easter Island | Kookoma | Bowels, guts, intestines |