Entries from Fuentes 1960 in Pollex-Online

Fuentes, J. (1960). Diccionario y Gramática de la Lengua de la Isla de Pascua: Pascuense-Castellano, Castellano-Pascuense. Santiago, Andrés Bello.

Language Item Description
Easter Island Ána Aunque; si (condicional); sino; cuando Problematic
Easter Island Kaokao Side
Easter Island Kapatiko A fish (Lethrinus miniatus) (Rsr)
Easter Island Kape Probably (Alocasia)
Easter Island Kapua Fog, haze, mist
Easter Island Kahi Tuna fish
Easter Island Kata Laugh, smile
Easter Island ŋeʔu Broma; embromar a uno. Jest, joke. Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Kato Cortar; sacar las hojas de un árbol. To cut, to take off the leaves of a tree.
Easter Island Toa/toa All Problematic
Easter Island Kau To swim
Easter Island Kau/atu Ten
Easter Island Kau Move (of many people); increase, be multiplied Problematic
Easter Island E/kó Negative imperative Problematic
Easter Island Kauvaʔe Chin, jawbone Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Koohou Inscribed tablet used in recitation b. (?) Problematic
Easter Island Mahute (Broussonetia papyrifera)
Easter Island Kava Sour, salty. Brackish (Wbr).
Easter Island Kaavei Handle, peduncle
Easter Island Keho Flat stone (found in Rano Kau volcano and used to make houses of Orongo)
Easter Island Keo Abdominal shell of a turtle (Métraux 1937:53). Collarbone (Wbr). Borrowed
Easter Island Kekekeke Chirp, chatter; shrill
Easter Island Kekeho Unidentified fish sp
Easter Island Kere/kere Black. Very dark, very black (Wbr).
Easter Island Keretu Pumice stone
Easter Island Keri Dig
Easter Island Kero To finish a job Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island Kete Basket. Woven bag or pouch (Wbr).
Easter Island Kete/kete Belly
Easter Island Ketu Lift up, erect, exalt; rise
Easter Island Ki For, in, on, till, to, towards, until
Easter Island Ki May (in front of a verb); forms the imperative for the first person plural
Easter Island Kiato Three or four booms linking hull and outrigger
Easter Island Kiki Stiffen
Easter Island Kiki/kiki Erect, rigid, stiff; convulsion
Easter Island Kiko uaua Muscle (Thomson/Cooke)
Easter Island ʔIinaki Alimento que se usa para acompañar otras comidas. El inaki mas universal es el pan. En la Isla de Pascua el inaki es la kumara Problematic
Easter Island Kino Bad, perverse
Easter Island Kiora Rat (Thomson)/
Easter Island Kioʔe Rat. Mouse (Wbr). Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Kihikihi Lichen; ash-coloured, discoloured, colourless
Easter Island Koa Alegria, gozo; alegrarse, estar contento
Easter Island (Ko)koe You (sing)
Easter Island Kohe Planta del genero filicinas que crece en la costa
Easter Island Kohu Shade, shadow Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island Kooʔiro Conger eel
Easter Island Koke/koke Halt, lame; to hobble, limp; lameness Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Kokiri Name for an unidentified fish
Easter Island Koko/koko Cackle, crow
Easter Island Kookoma Bowels, guts, intestines