Entries from Jackson 2001 in Pollex-Online

Jackson, G. W. (2001). Tuvaluan dictionary: Tuvaluan-English, English-Tuvaluan. Suva, Fiji. Geoff & Jenny Jackson.

Language Item Description
Tuvalu Fakatafa To get out of the way, turn aside, step aside
Tuvalu Fakaata(ata) To picture in mind, visualize
Tuvalu Seke To be out of joint, disjointed (of body limbs), sprained
Tuvalu Sagale Type of tree.
Tuvalu Sagale Type of tree.
Tuvalu Kaiga Rubbish
Tuvalu Toofiga Appointment, the act of appointing, assignment
Tuvalu P/paki Touch a switch, turn a switch on or off; collide, meet; compete
Tuvalu P/paki Break off, snap off
Tuvalu Pogaaleveleve Web; spider
Tuvalu Leveleve Spider's web, cobweb; pus that develops in eyes
Tuvalu U/tia To be caught between two objects; hot, spicy (of curry, sauce, peppers)
Tuvalu Galue Work, toil
Tuvalu Galue/lue To sway backwards and forwards (as in swaying hips while dancing)
Tuvalu Gasue To move, act, set in motion
Tuvalu Ualolo (pl. uallolo) Stream up to, go together, walk together (of a crowd)
Tuvalu Fua/avaka (of ships and canoes) Fleet, navy
Tuvalu Faiga Actions
Tuvalu Fakatu To stop (car); raise up, make stand up, erect
Tuvalu Kautaa Sticks used to beat a tin during a fatele
Tuvalu Fanooga The act of going somewhere
Tuvalu Fakavale/a To trick, deceive, make a person look like a fool
Tuvalu E Hey there! Marker used before or after a name to attract attention
Tuvalu Ei Interjection to call attention: hey!
Tuvalu Fakaalofa Pitiable, unfortunate, hard up; a foreigner who lives on an island but has no land rights, an alien resident
Tuvalu Mataliki Narrow (of an opening). Fine (of net) (Rby).
Tuvalu (K)aiaa Why?
Tuvalu Tifa Pearl shell; plate
Tuvalu Faitaina Adoptive brother; cousin
Tuvalu Kope/kope/nga A lot of luggage, many possessions
Tuvalu Kopi To nurse a child, carry on hip or side Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuvalu Kopi/kopi/aa Cluttered (referring to home, location or thinking); completely crowded, disorganized
Tuvalu M/mili To rub (of oil); continually play with
Tuvalu M/mio Twist, turn, screw; twist fibres to make string
Tuvalu Avake, avaka Raise up, bring up, put on high
Tuvalu Faka/lialia vale To dress immodestly, to dress as a person of loose morals
Tuvalu Ulupoko Skull
Tuvalu Saa Prefix added to indicate the family or associates of a person
Tuvalu Kkafi To be able to accomplish something; to be capable of doing something
Tuvalu Kamo Steal, take secretly
Tuvalu L/liko To scold, reprimand Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuvalu Alava/fenua Shark: white pointer. (Carcharhinus albimarginatus) (Bsr).
Tuvalu Masagi To be lifted up, thrown up
Tuvalu Kafutu Type of tree
Tuvalu Oko/oko To pick up rubbish
Tuvalu Oko eiloa Excellent
Tuvalu S/soko Frequently, continuously
Tuvalu Kaafaga Climbing ropes
Tuvalu Fuai/numela Number, figure
Tuvalu Siki Lift up