Entries from Jackson 2001 in Pollex-Online

Jackson, G. W. (2001). Tuvaluan dictionary: Tuvaluan-English, English-Tuvaluan. Suva, Fiji. Geoff & Jenny Jackson.

Language Item Description
Tuvalu Siki Lift up
Tuvalu S/siki To change position of a sail on a canoe or boat
Mota Siki Quote, copy
Tuvalu Siki Stick used to club fish with (Kennedy)
Tuvalu Fafa The rope from the boom of a sail
Tuvalu Konaa Demonstrative pronoun, those near you. Location marker over there
Tuvalu Kolaa Location marker. Over there, far away or socially marked
Tuvalu I Preposition that usually denotes position in space or time
Tuvalu Mai From
Tuvalu Mai Verb directional marker indicates towards speaker or subject of the sentence
Tuvalu Polapola Type of basket
Tuvalu Fakaoti To finish, complete
Tuvalu Fakaoti Last (days)
Tuvalu Fakatoo Cause to fall or drop; cause rain to fall
Tuvalu Faauu To breastfeed
Tuvalu Fakaliki/liki Adverb used to indicate small pieces
Tuvalu Fai Prefix indicating the establishing of an adoptive relationship with others
Tuvalu Laa/h/lala Ruffled (of feathers); also of persons who have not combed their hair
Tuvalu Fulumata Eyebrows
Tuvalu Puao Mist
Tuvalu P/puku To be fat
Tuvalu Fakatonu/tonu Correct, adjust, straighten
Tuvalu Fakatonu Command, order
Tuvalu Fulu (pl. ffulu) Clean, wash
Tuvalu Fakatupu To start, cause
Tuvalu Fakatupu(tupu) To gather together
Tuvalu Fakamata To sharpen
Tuvalu ʔMata Raw, green, uncooked
Tuvalu Ogogo Small herb used for fertilizer for taro crops (Acalypha grandis)
Tuvalu Ala/fia To perceive (the underlying cause, or hidden meaning) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuvalu Tulilima Elbow
Tuvalu Amoga Load to be carried on shoulde, burden, yoke; responsibility
Tuvalu V/vesi To be in an uproar, to be completely upset, disturbed
Tuvalu Tai s/soko High tide
Tuvalu Manavase To worry, be concerned
Tuvalu Tai Nearly, shortly, somewhat, almost
Tuvalu Taai/taai (with negative) Not yet, nowhere near
Mota Vaoaa To be overgrown by weeds
Tuvalu Kaakaa To berate, scold; to shout, yell repeatedly Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuvalu Ggau (of muscles) To be cramped
Tuvalu Ssoni Small container used to draw water from a well
Tuvalu Loonaa To have food stuck in windpipe, to choke
Tuvalu Maasima Salt
Tuvalu Taaga Gestures, movements, actions (of dancing and speaking)
Tuvalu Taa To play a musical instrument, to strum a guitar
Tuvalu Tuaa Sentence given from a court
Tuvalu Ttue (of fish) Tough
Tuvalu Motomoto Coconut in between the stage of a drinking coconut and an eating nut (fuaniu). An unhusked green coconut, more ripe than pii (Rby).
Tuvalu Pei To tell the future from cards or by other means of divination Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuvalu P/pei To throw