Entries from Jackson 2001 in Pollex-Online

Jackson, G. W. (2001). Tuvaluan dictionary: Tuvaluan-English, English-Tuvaluan. Suva, Fiji. Geoff & Jenny Jackson.

Language Item Description
Tuvalu F/fagu To blow or clear one's nose
Tuvalu Valea Stupid, ignorant, uneducated. Foolish, irresponsible (Rby).
Tuvalu M/mene To shrink back, recoil, shy away from
Tuvalu Maimoa To observe, to take the part of a spectator
Tuvalu Maisi To be split
Tuvalu Maanu To swim; pumice stone
Tuvalu Savala Promiscuous
Tuvalu Matuku To decline, be put down, decrease
Tuvalu Maukoloa To be wealthy, rich
Tuvalu Tookia To be damp, cold, wet from dew
Tuvalu Fakatua/ga Trust, confidence; to trust, to believe
Tuvalu Soolofa To be flattened
Tuvalu Laga Start (a war)
Tuvalu Laku mai, laku atu Gather, scatter
Tuvalu Laauga Sermon; speech, talk; to give a sermon, preach; to give a speech
Tuvalu L/lau Magic spell, magical chant, incantation
Tuvalu L/lote Noisy Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuvalu Nunu To scrape the fruit of the vaatia [arrowroot]
Tuvalu N/nuti To squeeze, as in washing clothes by hand
Tuvalu Nuti momomo To break into small pieces, smash up, squeeze into small fragments
Tuvalu Pago/taa Prisoner, captive
Tuvalu Piko Corrupt, unfair
Tuvalu Pisi Splash; (of rain) spray
Tuvalu Polo Limit or line. Boundary of games area (Rby).
Tuvalu Tau Pick or harvest [ex. flowers]. Pluck (of fruit or flowers) (Rby).
Tuvalu Taia To hit, beat
Tuvalu Vanu Valley, canyon
Tuvalu Feiloai To meet, welcome Borrowed
Tuvalu Leaga Bad, wicked Borrowed
Tuvalu Lue To wiggle hips, to sway in dancing
Tuvalu P/pusi To smoke; to breathe out, exhale
Tuvalu Malie To be sweet (of drinks)
Tuvalu (Mata) ttuka Blunt, dull
Tuvalu Leva (of time) Long duration, long ago, ancient. Long (of time) (Rby).
Tuvalu Kelekelea/a To be dirty, covered in soil, sand, dirt Phonologically Irregular
Tuvalu Masaia To be shallow, stranded by low tide
Tuvalu Vili Dice; lot for deciding something
Tuvalu Tu ʔkese To stand out as different Phonologically Irregular
Tuvalu Ivitua Backbone
Tuvalu Ttolo To crawl
Tuvalu Vaia To be watery, to have an excess of water
Tuvalu Fiamoe To be sleepy, drowsy, tired
Tuvalu Fakaagi To make something blow; to put out in the wind
Tuvalu Fakaagiagi To get some breeze, to cool off
Tuvalu K/kaiga Feast, meal
Tuvalu Kelo Albino
Tuvalu K/kelo (of hair) Blond, fair, brown (any hair colour other than black)
Tuvalu Oma To clear by jumping; to overflow (of water)
Tuvalu Fattili Thunder
Tuvalu Fifi To be tangled, to snag; to be confused