Protoform: KALU.D [EP] Loose, slack, wrinkled; skin of foetus, newborn or elderly person
Description: | Loose, slack, wrinkled; skin of foetus, newborn or elderly person |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to EP: East Polynesian |
Notes: |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Easter Island | Karu/karu | Wrinkled | (Fts) |
Hawaiian | ʔAlu/ʔalu | Loose, flabby; misshapen, as a premature baby; slack, as a rope; wrinkled, uneven, rough, lined; foetus | (Pki) |
Luangiua | ʔAlu | Not yet ready/ripe Problematic | (Smd) |
Mangareva | Karu | Vêtement large; être large dans ce dernier sens, élastique; s'élargir, s'avachir | (Rch) |
Niue | Galu | Flab [flabby piece of meat] Problematic | (Sph) |
Niue | Galu/galu | Flabby, baggy Problematic | (Sph) |
Penrhyn | Karu | To loosen a rope | (Sta) |
Penrhyn | Karu/karu | Wrinkle | (Sta) |
Pukapuka | Kalu/kalu | Feeble with age; with wizened skin | (Bge) |
Rarotongan | Karu | Go slack, sag (of a rope, line or net) | (Bse) |
Rarotongan | Karu/karu | Hang or sag in folds, crumpled, wrinkled, wizened | (Bse) |
Tahitian | Aru | An elderly person when the skin becomes wrinkled | (Dvs) |
Tuamotu | Karu/karu | Wrinkled, baggy, hanging in folds (of skin); slack, loose (as rope) | (Stn) |
13 entries found
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