Protoform: KAMU.2 [PN] Cut off

Description: Cut off
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*8 Note. EFU not in (Mfr) (Bgs).

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Kamu Couper, rogner, raccourcir. (Gzl)
East Uvea Kamu Couper, rogner, raccourcir. (Rch)
Nukuoro Gamu Cut (something) (Crl)
Pukapuka Kamu To thrust; throw overhand Problematic (Bge)
Samoan ʔAmu To cut off, as part of a beam (Prt)
Tongan Kamu Circumcise (polite for tefe) (Cwd)
Tongan Camo Circumcise [Fiji method] (Mar)

7 entries found

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