Protoform: MAA.7 [NP] Surgeonfish sp.

Description: Surgeonfish sp.
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to NP: Nuclear Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Anuta Ma Dark fish with very tough skin... (Fbg)
East Futuna Ma Poisson: "Chirurgien noir" (avec un trait blanc à la base de la queue) (Ctenochaetus striatus) (Mfr)
Hawaiian Maha/ha A surgeonfish (Acanthuridae) Phonologically Irregular (Pki)
Ifira-Mele Maa Fish sp., vertically striped yellow and brown, in schools (Clk)
Mangareva Maʔa Poisson: Acanthurus nigroris, Zebrasoma scopus (Acanthuridae) Phonologically Irregular (Rch)
Marquesas Maha Chirurgien pourpre à nageoires jaunes; Yellowfin Surgeonfish (Acanthurus xanthopterus) Phonologically Irregular (Chf)
Pukapuka Maa The fish Hepatus fuliginosus [or Ctenochaetus striatus] (Bge)
Sikaiana Maa Fish sp. (Dnr)
Takuu Maa Orange-spot surgeonfish (Acanthurus olivaceus) (Mle)
Tikopia Maa Bleecker's Surgeonfish (Acanthurus bleeckeri)... (Fth)
Tuvalu Maa Fish sp. (Rby)
Vaeakau-Taumako Maa A fish (Acanthurus bariene), and maybe other surgeonfish (Hnh)

12 entries found

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