Protoform: MATA-A-FAGA [PN] Beach, seashore (Clk)

Description: Beach, seashore (Clk)
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*0 << PN *mata.1a "eye, face", PN *faga.1 "bay", or *afaga "beach suitable for canoe landing and beaching"

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Uvea Mata faga Rivage du cote du faga (Btn)
Emae Mataafaga Beach, seaward end of a path (Cpl)
New Zealand Maori Mataawhanga Seaside littoral (Wms)
Niue Mataafaga Beach (Sph)
Samoan Mataafaga Beach, shore (Prt)
Tokelau Mataafaga Beach or shore; part of shore owned by individual families where canoes are beached (Sma)
Tongan Mataafanga Beach, shore, seashore, foreshore (Cwd)
Tuvalu Mataafaga Beachfront, seafront, seawall (Jsn)
West Uvea Mataafanga Cour devant la maison [Heo Dialect] (Hmn)

9 entries found

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