Protoform: MOA.4A [PN] Flower-bud of banana, which is cone-shaped, like a whipping top and the head of traditional dart; *moa(moa)

Description: Flower-bud of banana, which is cone-shaped, like a whipping top and the head of traditional dart; *moa(moa)
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Anuta Moa A bunch of bananas just beginning to fruit (Fbg)
East Futuna Moamoa Bouton de fleurs au bout des bananes ; inflorescence du bananier (Rch)
Hawaiian Moa A native banana fruit with large and plump skin; a dart game (Pki)
Kapingamarangi Ta/mo Banana Problematic (Ray)
Mangareva Moamoa Fleur femelle du cocotier Uncertain Semantic Connection (Rch)
Mangareva Mo/moa Jeunes cocos, bourgeons de coton non éclos, bananes qui s'épanouissent; fruits abîmés (Rch)
Niue Moamoa Banana flower; end stem of bunch of bananas (Sph)
Nuguria Moa Banana flower (Dvl)
Nukuoro Moa The blossom of the banana tree (Crl)
Rennellese Moa(moa) Banana sheath (Ebt)
Samoan Moa The end of a bunch of bananas ; a spinning top (Prt)
Takuu Moa Red tassel that contains the male flowers of the banana plant (Mle)
Tikopia Moa Banana fruit on stem in formative stage; wooden spinning top (Fth)
Tongan Moa Flower of plantain or banana (Cwd)
West Futuna Mó/moa Central part of banana covering which hangs down (Cpl)

15 entries found

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