Protoform: MOHE-TORO [PN] Seduce by approaching secretly at night

Description: Seduce by approaching secretly at night
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*0 << PN *mohe "sleep, *tolo.2 "creep, crawl"
*0 >> CE *moo-toro

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Moetolo Roder, draguer (la nuit). Aller a la recherche des femmes pour faire le mal sur elles; faire de mauvaises actions sur des femmes endormies (Gzl). (Mfr)
East Uvea Moetolo Aller a la recherche des femmes endormies pour faire le mal (Rch)
Nukuoro Moe dolo Sneak into another's house at night for the purpose of having sexual relations (Crl)
Rennellese Moe totogo Steal up and sleep with a lover who is asleep (Ebt)
Samoan Moetotolo Possess a woman at night while she is sleeping (Prt)
Sikaiana Tolo To attempt secret seduction at night by entering the house of a woman and attempting to have sex with her while she is sleeping Problematic (Dnr)
Tokelau Moe-totolo Intrude to possess a woman while she is sleeping at night (Sma)
Tongan Mohetoo Habitually visiting a woman at night for immoral purposes (Cwd)
Tuvalu Moe-to/tolo/ Creep into girl's bed at night (Rby)
Vaeakau-Taumako Moetolo Creep secretly to a sleeping woman to have sex with her (Hvn)

10 entries found

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