Protoform: TAGO.B [PN] Grope, feel for; fish for octopus etc.; go about at night
Description: | Grope, feel for; fish for octopus etc.; go about at night |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian |
Notes: | *1 Cf. PCE *poo-tagotago "intensely dark night" |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Emae | Ta/tago/-fia | Grope, feel | (Cpl) |
Luangiua | Ka/kaŋo | Moonlight fishing with net | (Smd) |
Mangareva | Tago/tago | Aller à la pêche de l'octopus | (Rch) |
Mangareva | Tago | Chercher des écrevisses sur les basses mers parmi les pierres; faire le pêche du poulpe. To search for something on the coral reefs at low tide (Tgr) | (Rch) |
Marquesas | Tako (MQN), tano (MQS) | Manière de prendre des crabes (Dln). Pêcher les "chevrettes" (crevettes) à l'épuisette; catch river-shrimps with shrimping-net (Atl). | (Lch) |
Niue | Tamo | To feel around, to grope; a game (with bindfolds) Phonologically Irregular | (Sph) |
Niue | Tago/kii | To go or arrive very early | (Sph) |
Rarotongan | Tango | Reach for (as for fish in a hole) | (Bse) |
Tongan | Tango | To visit a woman at night with intent to commit fornication or adultery | (Cwd) |
Tongan | Tango | To wander by night Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Mar) |
Tongan | Tango | To lie in wait for | (Mar) |
Vaeakau-Taumako | Togo | Reach, put out hand (?) | (Ray) |
West Futuna | Tan/taŋo | (To go) fishing on the reef in the dark | (Cpl) |
West Futuna | (Tag)tago | Grope, feel for | (Dty) |
West Futuna | Tonga/fia, tongo/fia | Gouter, essayer une nouvelle nourriture | (Rve) |
West Futuna | Tong/tonga/fia | Tâter dans le noir | (Rve) |
16 entries found
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