Protoform: WERU [CE] Ragged, frayed

Description: Ragged, frayed
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Fijian Wedru Wet and sticking together as hair of an animal that has been in the water Problematic (Cpl)
Fijian Welu Long and in tufts (of the hair) Problematic (Cpl)
Hawaiian Welu Rag, ragged garment; ragged, frayed. (Pki)
Hawaiian Welu/welu Shredded to bits (Pki)
Marquesas Veʔu/veʔu ʔou L'extremité de feuilles de cocotier, de pandanus, d'arbre à pain (Dln)
New Zealand Maori We/weru Garment (Wms)
Pukapuka Velu Worn or ragged clothing Problematic (Mta)
Pukapuka Welu Torn clothing Problematic (???)
Pukapuka Welu/welu Torn into strips, shredded Problematic (???)
Raʔivavae Ve(g)u/ve(g)u Torn, ragged (Zpn)
Rapa Ta/veru Cape of frayed ti leaves; a rain cape (Sks)
Rarotongan Veru Fringe, tassel (Bse)
Rarotongan Veru/veru Remnants, rags, tattered, torn (Bse)
Tahitian Veru/veru Odeur de crasse; puant, crasseux. Stale, nasty, offensive in smell (Dvs). Uncertain Semantic Connection (Lmt)
Tuamotu Veru/veru Rags, tatters, shabby, worn garments; stinking, filthy (Stn)

15 entries found

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