Hawaiian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CE.KETO. Uweko Bad-smelling (Pki)
CE.KETO. ʔIku/ʔiku Stench; foul-smelling Phonologically Irregular (Pki)
PN.KEU.1 ʔEu Stir up, incite, animate, encourage (Pki)
PN.KEWA.1 ʔEwa Crooked, out of shape, imperfect, ill-fitting; incorrect, unjust Uncertain Semantic Connection (Pki)
FJ.KI.1 I To, towards (preposed particle) Problematic (Pki)
EP.KII.1 ʔIi To say, speak; suppose; saying (Pki)
OC.KIATO ʔIako Outrigger boom (Pki)
NP.KIE-KIE.B ʔIeʔie Plant sp. (Freyncinetia arborea) (Pki)
EP.KIKI.2 ʔIiʔii Tight, difficult to extract, as a plug, stiff Borrowed (Pki)
EO.KI-KITE ʔIʔike See well, observant, recognise and accost in a friendly way (Pki)
PN.KIKO.A ʔIʔo Flesh (Pki)
AN.KILI.1 ʔIli Skin (Pki)
CE.KIRI-A-TAI ʔIlikai Surface of the sea; horizon; horizontal (Pki)
OC.KILI-KILI ʔIliʔili Gravel (Pki)
EP.KIMI.* ʔImi Seek (Pki)
CE.KIMO.* ʔImo To wink (Pki)
CE.KIMO.* ʔI/ʔimo To blink (Pki)
CE.KIMO.* ʔImo/ʔimo To twinkle (Pki)
EO.KINA.1 ʔIna Small sea-urchin, as Echinometra spp. (Pki)
NP.KIINAKI.* ʔInaʔi Accompaniment to poi, usually meat, fish or vegetable (Pki)
CE.KINA-KINA.* ʔInaʔina Reddish discharge preceding labour in childbirth (Pki)
OC.KINI.1 ʔIni/ki Nip, pinch (Pki)
PN.KINO ʔIno Wicked, spoiled, ugly (Pki)
NP.KINO-KINO ʔInoʔino Spoiled, contaminated, broken, damaged; wicked, sinful; sad (Pki)
NP.KIO.1B ʔIo Hawaiian Hawk (Buteo solitarius) (Pki)
PN.KIO-KIO ʔOʔio (Albula vulpes) Phonologically Irregular (Hpr)
NP.KIOLE ʔIole Rat (Pki)
PN.KISI-KISI ʔIhi(ʔihi) Oxalis spp (Pki)
FJ.KITA.2A Ika Strong Phonologically Irregular (Pki)
NP.KIU.2 ʔIu Lofty, sacred, revered, consecrated Problematic (Pki)
CE.KIWA.2A ʔIwa A fern (Asplenium horridum); Frigate-bird (Fregata) (Pki)
CE.KIWA.2B ʔIwa Frigate bird (Pki)
NP.KIWI.1* ʔIwi Scarlet Hawaiian Creeper, (Vestiaria coccinea) (Pki)
FJ.KO.1 ʔO Specifier particle (Preposed) (Pki)
PN.KOO.2B ʔOo To hail, whoop, a hail Problematic (Pki)
CE.KOO-.3 ʔOo- Similitude prefix sometimes translated somewhat, -ish (Pki)
PN.KOO.1 ʔO Yonder (Pki)
CE.KOO.3 ʔOo Fly (trans.), as a kite (Pki)
CE.KOAMA.* ʔOoama Young of the weke fish (Pki)
CE.KOATA ʔO(w)aa A measurement equal to half the width of a finger, of fishing nets Phonologically Irregular (Pki)
AN.KOE ʔOe Second person singular, thou (Pki)
CE.KOO-FAGA.* ʔOhana Family, kin group; related (Pki)
CE.KOOFAI ʔOohai Monkeypod or Raintree (Samanea saman); native leguminous shrub (Sesbania tomentosa). White monkeypod (Albizia lebbeck) (Ni'ihau) (StJ). (Pki)
CE.KOOFAI-KURA ʔOohai-ʔula Royal Poinciana (Delonix regia) (Pki)
CE.KOOFAO ʔOohao Swelling, dropsical condition, swollen (Pki)
FJ.KOFE.A ʔOhe Bamboo sp (Pki)
CE.KOFE-KOFE Oheohe Tall and straight (as a tree) (Pki)
NP.KOFI ʔOhi-a Gather, harvest, cull, pick, select (Pki)
CE.KOO-FITI.1 ʔOohiki To probe, pry, pick out (Pki)
CE.KOO-FITI.2 ʔOohiki Sand-crab, probably (Ocypode ceratophthalma) (Pki)

2211 entries found