Pukapuka entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
AN.KILI.2 Kili Black Triggerfish (which has an abrasive skin) Problematic (Mta)
PN.KILIA Kilia Fed up, not wanting to do something again (Mta)
CE.KIRI-A-TAI Kilitai Surface of the sea (Sby)
OC.KILI-KILI Kilikili Coral gravel (Bge)
NP.KIINAKI.* Kiinaki A food eaten to complement the main dish (Bge)
OC.KINI.1 Ki/kini To pinch with the fingers (Mta)
PN.KINO Kino Bad, awful, homely, evil, naughty (anything opposed to lelei) (Bge)
PN.KIO-KIO Kiokio Indo-Pacific Bonefish (Albula glossodonta) (McC)
NP.KIOLE Kiole Rat (Mta)
CE.KIISAI Kiai Negative particle, past tense Problematic (Sby)
AN.KITE Kite To witness, be a winess ; see, find (Mta)
MP.KIU.1 Kiu A variety of Plover ; one of the Arctic wading birds that occasionally visit in flocks in migration (Sby)
SO.KIVA Kiva Young adults Uncertain Semantic Connection (Bge)
CE.KIWA.2B Kiva a Tangaloa Young adult males (humans) and poss. fish Uncertain Semantic Connection (Bge)
PN.KIWI.2 Mata kivi/kivi Disagreeable (Bge)
FJ.KO.1 Ko Particle (Bge)
CE.KA-KORE Kaakole Emphatic negation, nothing at all, not at all Problematic (Bge)
PN.KOA.1 Koa Verbal particle denoting continuous action, past or present Problematic (Bge)
NP.KOA.2 Koa Mischievous, naughty, annoying, stubborn Problematic (Bge)
AN.KOE Koe You (Mta)
CE.KOO-FAGA.* Kooanga Nest Problematic (Bge)
FJ.KOFE.A Koe Bamboo sp (Bge)
NP.KOFI Ko/kowi/ Brood, as a hen; cuddle up (of lovers) (Bge)
OC.KOFU.1A Koukou Wedding gift ; wrap up (food, baby) (Sby)
PN.KOGA Konga Place; section of land. Piece of food cut off (Sby). (Mta)
OC.KOHO Koyo Coconut husking-stick (Bge)
OC.KOHO Koo/koo Heavy throwing stick (weapon) (Bge)
CE.KOI.2*. Ko/koi Sharp Problematic (Bge)
OC.KOI.3 Koi Tense aspect mood marker, poss. inceptive; used in polite requests Problematic (Sby)
CE.KOI.4 Koi Tense aspect mood marker, poss. inceptive; used in polite requests Problematic (Sby)
CE.KOI.4 Koi ai ake Just try it! Problematic (Bge)
SO.KOOKII Kokii Creak, squeak (Sby)
EP.KOO-KILI Kookili Triggerfish (generic) Borrowed (Sby)
EP.KORE -kole Nominal suffix, lack of Problematic (Sby)
TA.KOORIGO Koolingo Wedge-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus pacificus); spirit, supernatural omen Problematic (Sby)
RO.KOLILI Kolili Wandering Tattler (Heteroscelus incanus). (Tringa incana) (Sby). (Bge)
OC.KOLO.1 Kolo Wall (Bge)
MP.KOLO.2 Waka/kolo To intend or want to do (Sby)
PN.KORO.1 Kolo/kolo Throat, double-chin ; loose skin at throat, as in (kotawa) kolokolo kula ("red-throated frigatebird") (Sby)
NP.KOLO-MAKI Waka/kolomaki/ Patience (Bge)
NP.KOLO-MATUA Wolomatua Pastor, priest (post-contact from TAH via RAR) Problematic (Bge)
NP.KOLO-PUKA Polopuka A shrub (Solanum viride) Problematic (Sby)
NP.KOLU Kolu/kolu With dried and wrinkled skin, feeble (Bge)
NP.KOO-LUA Koolua Second person dual pronoun, you (Bge)
CE.KOMA.1 Koma Adze mentioned in old chants. (Sby)
TA.KOMA.3 Waka/koma Show contempt in conversation by turning face away from speaker Problematic (Bge)
NP.KOOMULI Koomuli (Caranx sexfasciatus) (Bge)
SO.KONI Koni Copulate (man or beast) (Bge)
CP.KONO Ko/kono Strain down; to grunt, expel air (Bge)
CP.KONO Loto/kono Staunch, true blue (Sby)

2228 entries found