Rapa entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CE.KATI-REHE Katire(ʔ?)e Soft palate (?) or gullet, throat, wind pipe (Sks)
PN.KATOA Koto/ngake Whole (Sks)
OC.KAU-KAU Kaukau kotae To bathe (Sks)
PN.KAU-QULI Auri Arrow (from TAH?) Problematic (Sks)
CE.KAU-RIMA Kairima Fire stick, hand piece (Sks)
NP.KAWA.1B Kava/kava Bitter (Sks)
NP.KAWA-KAWA-QATUA Kakatua A bush (Piper excelsum) (Sks)
NP.KAWA-PUI Kapi Variety of ginger (Hedychium flavum) Problematic (Sks)
OC.KEA.2 Kea A bird, petrel Problematic (Sks)
EP.KELE.C Kere/kere Black (Sks)
EP.KERE-TUU Keretu Soft stone, consistency of karaea (Sks)
OC.KELI Keri To dig (Sks)
CK.KENA.1C Kena Hard limestone (Sks)
OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger (? boom) of canoe (Sks)
NP.KIE-KIE.B Kiekie A sedge (Carex stokesii)) used as tie strings for taro; also aerial roots of mangu (Sks)
PN.KIKO.A Kiko Flesh, meat (Sks)
PN.KIKO.A Kiko/vaevae Calf of leg (Sks)
PN.KIKO.B Kiko/kiko Pudenda mulieris (Grn)
AN.KILI.1 Kiri Skin, shell, outer casing (Sks)
AN.KILI.1 Kiri/nutu (-ngutu?) Palate (Sks)
OC.KINI.1 Kini(kini) To pinch (Sks)
PN.KINO Kino Bad (Sks)
NP.KIOLE Kioʔe Rat Problematic (Sks)
CE.KOATA Koata Mesh of netting (Sks)
AN.KOE Koe Thou (Sks)
AN.ISU.1 Puta/uu Nose, nostril (Grn)
CE.PAPA-ARIGA Paparinga Cheek (Grn)
AN.MATA.1A Mata Eyes (Grn)
TA.TA-POKI Tapoki mata Eyelids (Grn)
MP.PUTA.1A Puta/uu Nostril; nose (Grn)
FJ.KOFE.A Koʔe Bamboo (said to be absent formerly) (Sks)
FJ.KOFE.A Koe A shrub Problematic (Sks)
OC.KOHO Ko To lance, pierce; a digging stick (Sks)
CE.KOI.2*. Koi/koi Sharp (Sks)
CE.KOI.2*. Ka/koi Rough (Sks)
CE.KOI.5 ʔAka/koi/koi To hurry (Sks)
CK.KOO-KISI Kookiʔi Yellow wood sorrel (Oxalis corniculata) (Brn)
CE.KOOKOO.2B Ti/koko Valley (Sks)
TA.KOO-KOTA Kotakota Bivalve (Melina sp.) (Sks)
NP.KOO-LUA Korua You two (Sks)
NP.KONA.2 Ka/kona Sweet (Sks)
CE.KOONINI.1 Konini A sea weed (Sks)
TA.KOO-PANI Kopani Knee. Cork; hat (Grn) (Sks)
CE.KOO-PORO Koporo Herbs, Lycium sanduicense, Solanum nigrum (Sks)
CE.KOO-PORO Koporo/ponio A fern (Sks)
CE.KOO-PORO Oporo An herb (koporo) Problematic (Sks)
TA.KOO-PURA.1 Apura Wild taro Problematic (Sks)
TA.KOO-TARE.2 Tama otare Orphan (?) Problematic (Sks)
TA.KO-TASI.* Kotaʔi One (Sks)
AN.KOTI.1 Koti End; to cut (Sks)

662 entries found