Rarotongan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CE.KORO-MIGO Koromingo Crumpled, wrinkled, creased (Bse)
CK.KORO-PEKA Koropeka Interlace in a criss-cross fashion (Bse)
PN.KOLO-PUPUU Koropupuu Break into rash, pimples (Bse)
NP.KOO-LUA Koorua You two (Bse)
CE.KOMA.1 Oma A heavy adze used to shape planks Problematic (Bse)
TA.KOMA.3 Koma Chatter, hubbub, noisy talking (Bse)
CE.KOO-MATA.1 Koomata Teat, nipple (Bse)
CE.KOO-MENE Koomene Contract, draw together, shrink longitudinally (Mka)
CE.KOO-MIRI Koomiri Squeeze hard with the hands (Bse)
CE.KOO-MOTO Koomoto A half-ripe coconut between the stage when the drinking and ripe stages (Bse)
CE.KOO-MOTU Koomotu Stub of firewood, ember (Bse)
NP.KOOMULI Koomuri (Caranx sexfasciatus) (Bse)
RO.KONA.1 Kona Lower abdomen (Bse)
NP.KONA.2 Kona Satiated, satisfied (Bse)
PN.KONA.3 Kona, konaaʔia Stupefied from poison or drink, poisoned, drunk (Bse)
NP.KO-NAA Kona There, near you (Bse)
NP.KO-NEI Konei Here, where I am (Bse)
CE.KOO-NEKE Kooneke Move, as of a person seated on a bench ; a sled (Sve)
TA.ORI Ori Wander, stroll, stray, gad about; have casual sex, shack up with (Bse)
TA.KOPA.3 Kopa Dent, small hollow made by pressure or blow (Bse)
CE.KOO-PANA Koopana To force meat from a coconut (Sve)
TA.KOO-PANI Koopani Cork, stopper, bung (Bse)
TA.KOO-PAPA Koopapa Main part, bulk, basis, mass; body (living or dead) (Bse)
TR.KOO-PAPE Koopape Current Problematic (Bse)
CE.KOO-PATAPATA Koopata(pata) Spot; spotty (Bse)
NP.KOPE Kope/kope Gifts brought to a mourning (Bse)
CE.KOO-PEE Koopee Lazy, idle, slack, dilatory Problematic (Bse)
CE.KOO-PEKA.1 Koopeka Atiu Swiftlet (Aerodramus sawtelli) (Atiu). (McC)
CE.KOOPERU Kooperu Mackerel scad (Decapterus pinnulatus) (Bse)
MP.KOPI.A Kopi Fold back (a piece of cloth); hem, cuff, pleat, tuck; bring things together, assemble (Bse)
MP.KOPI.A Koo/kopi, koo/kapi Fold in, fold over, fold up (Bse)
CK.KOOPII Koopii Some plants of the ginger family including (Hedychium coconarium) and (H.flavum) (Bse)
CE.KOO-PIRO Koopiro Coconut at an early stage of its development (Bse)
CE.KOO-PORO ʔOoporo Capsicum, chilli, small red pepper Problematic (Bse)
EC.KOOPUU.B Koopuu Belly, stomach (Bse)
CE.KOO-PUKU Koopuku Blister, lump, swelling (Bse)
TA.KOO-PURA.1 Koopura (piece of) tuber, esp. yam, for propagating (Ngaa-puu-toru dial.) (Bse)
CE.KOO-PURA.2 Koopura To flash and cause momentary blindness (Bse)
TA.KOO-PURE Koopure/rua A jellyfish Problematic (Bse)
CE.KOO-PUUPUU Koopuupuu Bulge, swell, puff up; blisters, swellings, bumps (Bse)
CK.KOO-PUTA Kooputa(puta) To pierce, make a hole through anything, broach (Bse)
CE.KOOPUTU Kooputu A bird, the Herald Petrel (Pterodroma heraldica) (Bse)
CE.KOO-SAE Kooʔae(ʔae) Rip, split, tear apart (Bse)
CE.KOO-SII Kooʔii(ʔii) Spurt, squirt (Bse)
CE.KOO-SUMU Kooʔumu Utter in a low voice (Bse)
CE.KOO-TAFA.A Kootaʔa Frigate Bird. (Fregata minor) (Bse)
TA.KOO-TARE.1 Ngootare Chattering Kingfisher (Todiramphus tuta) (Atiu, Ma'uke) Phonologically Irregular (McC)
TA.KOO-TARE.1 Kootare Chattering Kingfisher (Todiramphus tuta) (McC)
TA.KO-TASI.* ʔOkotaʔi One, once, only (Bse)
TA.KO-TASI.* Kotaʔi Colloquial form of `okota`i (Bse)

2365 entries found