Rarotongan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CE.KOTI-GA Kootinga Division or demarcation, boundary, limit, section, stage (Bse)
PN.KOTO.1 Koto/koto Cackle (of hen) (Bse)
NP.KOO-TOU.* Kootou You, plural (Bse)
CE.KOO-TUA Kootua With the back turned towards one (Bse)
CE.KOO-TUKU.A Kootuku Pacific Reef-Heron (Egretta sacra) (McC)
CK.KOO-TUKU.B Kotuku A shrub (Mussaenda Raiateensis) (Whr)
EP.KOO-QURA.* Koura General name for crayfish (Sve)
CE.KOO-UTU Koutu Headland, cape (Sve)
CE.KOO-UTU Kooutu Ceremonial ground where an ariki was invested and held court and where meetings and ceremonies were held (Bse)
CE.KOO-WARI Koovari Marshy, boggy Problematic (Bse)
PN.KOWI.A Kovi Twisted, wrinkled, puckered (Bse)
AN.-KU.1 -ku First person singular (Possessive) (Bse)
NP.KUU.2 Kuu Moist (Bse)
PN.KUA.1 Kua Perfect (Bse)
CK.KUA...KEE Kua...kee...ana Already, beforehand (Bse)
EP.KUKU.1B Kuku Draw or bunch together; roll up (as sleeves), ruck up; grab (Bse)
OC.KUKU.2 Kuku Mussel sp (Bse)
CE.KUUKUPA Kuukupa Cook Islands Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus rarotongensis) (Bse)
PN.KULA.1A Kura Red (Bse)
PN.KULA.1B Kura/a Red-plumaged bird (Bse)
FJ.KULII Kurii Dog (Bse)
CE.KURIRI.* Kuriri Wandering Tattler (Heteroscelus incanus) (Bse)
MP.KULU.1 Kuru Breadfruit (Bse)
NP.KULU.2 Kuru Strike, pound (Bse)
PN.KUMALA.1 Kuumara Sweet Potato (Ipomoea) (Bse)
EP.KUME.1 Kume-a Tug, haul, pull hard, heave (Bse)
EO.KUMETE Kumete Wooden bowl (Bse)
PN.KUMI.1 ʔUmi A ten (of cards) . Problematic (Bse)
MP.KUMI.3A Ku/kumi-ʔia Wrestle, maul somebody about, assault (esp. a woman), rape; wrestling (Bse)
MP.KUMI.3A Kuumia A passive form of kukumi (Bse)
NP.KUMI.3B Kukumi Strangulate (Sve)
NP.KUMI.3B Kuumia Passive of kukumi (Bse)
AN.KUMI-KUMI Kumikumi Beard (Bse)
CE.KUMU.1* Kumu-a, -ʔia Express, wring out ; clench (fist) (Sve)
NP.KUPA Kupa The concave underside of a wave as it curls over before breaking (Bse)
CE.KUPE Kupe Incline, lean towards; to bend, to bow (Sve)
CE.KUPE Kupe/kupe Act of bowing as in making a bow of courtesy (Sve)
OC.KUPEGA Kupenga Net (Bse)
PN.KUPU.1A Kupu Anything said: word, saying, talk (Sve)
TR.KUTE Kute/kute Scarlet. Aitutaki dialect (Bse)
TR.KUTE ʔUte Red . Problematic (Mka)
AN.KUTU.1 Kutu Louse (Bse)
CE.KUTU-PAPA Kutu papa Body lice; the crab louse (Pthirius pubis) (Bse)
EP.I.1 I Past tense marker (Bse)
AN.IA.1 Ia He, she (Bse)
MP.IA.2 Ia This (one), that (one)...esp. the ones indicated, referred to... (Bse)
AN.IA.3 Ia So, then, in that case, for that reason (Bse)
OC.IFI.2 Iʔi Tahitian chestnut, (Inocarpus edulis) (Bse)
MP.QIGO.1 Ingo Placid or limp, to be, lazy, disinclined to exertion, averse to labour, sluggish, tedious (Bse)
MP.IKE Ike Tapa beater (Bse)

2364 entries found