Tikopia entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
SO.POI.B Fe/poi/kaki Stand in doubt, hesitate (Fth)
PN.FAU.B Fau Light fishing line (Fth)
PN.FAKA-SIKU Fakasiku/anga "Tail-end" (of kava ritual) (Fth)
PN.SOLO-QI.* Soro Rub, wash by rubbing (Fth)
AN.QUTI.2 Uti Soft flesh of gastropod, in whorls at rear of body; usu. not eaten... (Fth)
PN.TANO.2 Tano Grave (Fth)
PN.WAO-A Vao/vao/a Covered in weeds (Fth)
PN.GAGAU Ngngau Weak (Fth)
SO.LOTO-TONU Roto tonu Right in the middle, the centre (Fth)
PN.TAA.1D Taa Beat rhythm for dance, on sounding-board or other platform; rhythm of song or dance... (Fth)
SO.TUAQA Tuaa To be anxious Uncertain Semantic Connection (Fth)
PN.TUTUE Tuee Tough [of fish] (Fth)
PN.TAU-FAA Taufa Strong wind; gale (Fth)
PN.MATA.2B Niu mata Green [coconut] with firm but breakable shell, soft inner flesh, plucked and husked for drinking and eating (Fth)
PN.MOTO.2B Niu moto Young nut, not husked but cut open or hole driven inside for drink (Fth)
PN.MOTO.2B Niu motomoto Fully grown nut, hard shell, husked, hard flesh rasped for cooking Uncertain Semantic Connection (Fth)
PN.MATA-TILI Matatiri Stage of maturity of coconut: late, dry, a year or more old (with short sprout, a few cm. long) (Fth)
FU.FAKA-POI-POI Fakapoipoi Shy; ashamed (Fth)
PN.WALE-A.A Varea Without order, wildly, foolishly, wrongly; crazy, mad (.e. mentally disturbed) (Fth)
PN.MAUKU Mauku Receding, going down, ebbing (Fth)
PN.FOTUQA Fotuua Fish sp. of reef and open sea (small sea perch or snapper?) (Fth)
PN.-RA Re/i Particle definitive, following verb or adjective, giving emphasis or sense of completion Problematic (Fth)
PN.HULI.2* Uri Shoot or sucker of plant (Fth)
PN.KAKU.1 Kaku Speak gutturally, or with an impediment Uncertain Semantic Connection (Fth)
CP.LAGA.1A Ranga/i Gather up, lift up (Fth)
PN.LOHOLOHO Roserose Bract of coconut from which nuts hang Phonologically Irregular (Fth)
PN.NUNU Nunu Filter, as in extraction of sago by traditional method, and formerly of turmeric (Fth)
PN.NUNU Nu/anga Turmeric extraction (Fth)
PN.PAQA-PAQA Paapaa Package of grated vegetables wrapped in leaf.... (Fth)
PN.PATOKI Uri patoke rei Quite/completely black (Fth)
PN.POLO.2 Pooro Turmeric smear decoration, applied ritually to body of chief, head of young child, bride, etc. (Fox)
PN.POLO-POLO Poroporo Traditional firstfruits ritual... (Fth)
TO.PUA-LIKI Puariki Shrub with fragrant flower much used for personal decoration (Gardenia sp., also Evodia hortensis). Problematic (Fth)
PN.PUNU-TI Pu/punu Block, stop up (in traditional song) (Fth)
PN.PUPUQA Pua Deep (Fth)
PN.TA-QIA Taia Hit (Fth)
PN.WEU.2 Veuuki Ruffle up (Fth)
PN.FAKA-SAA Fakasa Appear, show, peep out (Fth)
PN.FAKA-OLO Fakaoro Cause to go, set out [voyage]; pay out, slacken off (line) (Fth)
EO.TOE.1A Tee Last, remaining (precedes noun) (Fth)
PN.TOE-GA Teenga Last, remains (Fth)
PN.FAKA-.4 Faka/iio To assent (Fth)
XW.MAALIE.C Mariie Conclusion of traditional kava formula, conveying ideas of mildness, continuity, assurance; corresponds to "Amen"... Uncertain Semantic Connection (Fth)
PN.QARO.B Aro Interior, concave face of adze (Fth)
PN.QARO-FI Arofi Face one another, gather around (Fth)
SO.QALOFI Arofi fenua Beach, in contrast to tua fenua (rock border) and arofi tai (reef area) (Fth)
MP.TIO.2 Tio Grey Jobfish (Aprion virescens) Uncertain Semantic Connection (Fth)
NP.TELE.3B Tere Ripple (Fth)
PN.QUGA-AFI Ungaafi Firewood of large size, a big log or two to keep fire going (Fth)
PN.HAKE.C Se poo ake foki A night onwards too (one more night) (Fth)

2123 entries found