Tikopia entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.TALA-A-TUQA Tara a tua o te ika Spine of dorsal fin of fish (Fth)
PN.MEQA.B Meea/a Request strongly, urge, plead, insist (Fth)
OC.RANU.B Ranu "Breaking of the waters" at birth [te ranu e fenaifo] (Fth)
NP.POGA-A-ISU Pongoa isu Nostrils (Fth)
SO.TEQE-MUU Semu Speak Uncertain Semantic Connection (Fth)
OC.WE-WELA Vevera Quite hot (Fth)
PN.TUQU-LAKI Turaki Plural of tu 'stand' (Fth)
MP.MALU.A Maru afiafi Shades of evening (Firth 1990:129) (Fth)
XO.IKA-TAPU Ikatapu Jack (Caranx sp., prob. C.melampygus)... (Fth)
PN.TAFA-QAKI-LAGI Tafaakirangi Traditional esoteric term for sky, esp. in ritual formulae [translated "border of Heaven" in examples] (Fth)
PN.TAFA-TAFA Tafatafa Edge; bordering (Fth)
NP.FENUA.*C Fenua Placenta (Fth)
PN.TALA-TALA.A Taratara Spiny, spiky, prickly, rough (Fth)
PN.FAKA-QATU.B Fakaatu/atu Wait, with thought in mind (Fth)
PN.TUPU.C Tupu Abnormal growth (Fth)
SO.TUPU.D Tupu Change into (Fth)
PN.QANU-FEA Sau/anufeea Chill; coolness; cold (Fth)
NP.TEE-LAA Tera That there (Fth)
NP.TEE-HENA Tena Demonstrative: That, that one (Fth)
SO.LAVA-A Ravaa Endure, cope (Fth)
PN.LAWA.1C Rava/a Be overcome, defeated, conquered, beaten in contest (Fth)
PN.MA-ILI Mairiiri Blowing gently (Fth)
XO.MATA-A-WAKA Mataavaka Bow of vessel (Fth)
NP.PEE-LAA Pera Like that; thus (Fth)
OC.HUKU Uku Dive, as for fish, molluscs on the sea floor, etc.: submerge in water, bathe (Fth)
PN.KAILAO Kailau Execute dance movement with clubs, in style said to have come from Tonga (Fth)
SO.QAAUGA Aaunga Dance gestures of aesthetic type; demonstrative movements of hands and feet (Fth)
SO.FAKA-FUA Fakafua Great wave; ocean swell (Fth)
PN.FAKA-SOA Fakasoa/soa Befriend one another... (Fth)
SO.TATA.2 Tata Move gently, as in short jerks (Fth)
SO.TAU-TALI Tautari Follow (Fth)
PN.TOKONAKI Tokonaki Assemble food for a feast (Fth)
PN.TOKO.1C Toko Staff, stave, stick or post to hold something up (Fth)
SO.LAO Rao Abdomen of crustacean, e.g. a coconut crab (Fth)
XO.MA-SIKE Masike Rise, get up (Fth)
XO.ISU.2 Isu Painful; sore (Fth)
SO.SEPE Sepe Cut, sever, slice (as with knife) (Fth)
XO.FITI.1C Fiti Sprain; strain (muscle); "pins and needles" sensation in arm or leg (Fth)
SO.UFU.2 Ufu/ki, ufu/si Untie a knot (Fth)
PN.NEWA.A Neva Rise, soar (Fth)
PN.FAKA-TAFA Fakatafa Come beside; set aside, cause to abdicate; sideways, to the side (Fth)
NP.FAKA-QATA.C Fakaaataa Take the semblance of; impersonate, represent, esp. in dream (Fth)
PN.MEO Kai/meo Envy, jealousy (Fth)
PN.FAKA-QOPO Fakaopo Lay in a heap (Drd)
CE.SEKE.2 Seke Launch or land canoe Problematic (Fth)
SO.FAKANAVA Fakanava Tree (Cordia subcordata) (Fth)
SO.MAGI Mangi Wasted, from sickness (Fth)
MP.WAA-WAA.2B Vaa Vine, creeper (generic) (Fth)
PN.POU-MULI Poumuri Tree sp. (Casearia or Securinega sp.)....hard, heavy timber used for house posts, ridge poles, etc. (Fth)
PN.FAKA-MAA Fakamaa Be ashamed, embarrassed, shy (Fth)

2123 entries found