Tongan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.WILI.1A Vili A gimlet (Mar)
PN.WARU Vow-vow To scrape (Mar)
MP.WAI.1 Vy Water, liquid, fluidity, juice, a pond, any thing serous or watery (Mar)
PN.WAI-TAFE Vy tafe A river, a brook (Mar)
PN.WAI-MUQA Vy-mooa The third lunar month (Mar)
PN.WAI-MURI Vy-mooi The fourth lunar month, or second rainy month (Mar)
PN.WAI-WAI Vy-vy Weak, debilitated, faint (Mar)
PN.OO.3 Wo To go, to proceed, used in a plural sens (Mar)
PN.QAI.1 Y. Y-anga. To put, to place, to deposit. A case, a sheath. (Mar)
PN.KAI.3 Y-toa! Serve you right! you deserve it! I am glad of it! (Mar)
TO.PE-HEE Pee Only; neither more nor less nor other nor otherwise, etc. Phonologically Irregular (Cwd)
TO.PE-HEE Be Only, alone, solely, by oneself; never otherwise than (Mar)
PN.KAA.1 Kaa/lou (of a dog) To bark (Cwd)
PN.KAA.1 Ca/ló To bark, to yelp like a dog (Mar)
PN.FUA.1A Fuo Shape (Cwd)
PN.FAKA-LOGO Fucca lolongo, fucca longo-longo To quiet, to recompose, to hush, quiet (Mar)
PN.FAKA-MAQU Fucca mow To make fast, to fasten, to secure, to tie, to furl (as a sail) (Mar)
PN.FAKA-WAKA Fucca vaca Haft, handle (Mar)
AN.QASO.2 Hé/ähó/ni To-day (Mar)
PN.SEI-LALA Heláha Fruit of the tree so called, used to make necklaces Problematic (Mar)
PN.HELE Hele Evasion; to dissemble, to decoy (Mar)
XW.SINA.3 Hina A gourd; a bottle (Mar)
MP.SUA.2 Hooa-ky. Hoóö-ky. Hoóo-ky. Gluttony. Greedy, gluttonous. Ravenous after food, greedy. (Mar)
NP.LEKA.1 Maleca Bodily pleasure, sensual gratification Problematic (Mar)
PN.MAQU.1 Maoo Clear; to define; explanatory (Mar)
AN.PATU.1A Patoó Occursion, a clapping together with a noise, pulsation of the heart (Mar)
AN.PATU.1A Patu/u Sound of tramping, treading, or being slapped down Phonologically Irregular (Cwd)
AN.TAQANE Táäne Marriage, or rejoicings on a chief's marriage (Mar)
OC.USU.1 Uhu/ʔi To enter or be present where one is not wanted or has not been invited (Cwd)
XW.FAI-TAU Fy-taoo To get ready the leaves, &c. with which the victuals are covered during the process of cooking (Mar)
CP.TAUME Tome A sort of torch (Mar)
PN.TUQA.1B Tuʔa Commoner, person without chiefly rank Uncertain Semantic Connection (Cwd)
PN.TUQA.1B Tooa The lower class of people; the name of the lowest rank in society (Mar)
PN.TAKI-.2 Taggi-taha-be Each, each one (Mar)
PN.SUNU-KI Hunuki To insert, stick in, in the ground; to peg out, mark out with pegs or stakes in the ground (Cwd)
PN.SUNU-KI Hoonoogi To stick a skewer or peg in any thing; the name of the stick put in the ground for the tendrils of the yams to rest on (Mar)
??.LIGA Linga The male organs of generation (a vulgarism) Uncertain Semantic Connection (Mar)
XW.PAQOGO Paongo K. pandanus (Cwd)
XW.PAQOGO Páoonga The tree, the leaves of which are used for imprinting gnatoo (Mar)
PN.TAAU-GA.B Tówtówoonga A circular flat piece of wood, surrounding the middle of the string, by which the oil baskets hang, so as to prevent rats getting to the basket (Mar)
PN.OI.2 ʔOi Interjection: O, oh (Cwd)
PN.OI.2 Aw-i An expression of pity, also of pain (Mar)
PN.KAAKAA.2 Kaakaa To act deceitfully or fraudulently, to cheat (Cwd)
PN.KAAKAA.2 Cácá Deceit, imposition (Mar)
XW.KAU-MEQA Kaumeʔa Friend; friendship (Cwd)
XW.KAU-MEQA Cow-mea An adherent or follower (Mar)
PN.FAI-KAI Fýcaký lolo tootoo, fýcaký lolo matta Names of particular preparations of food (Mar)
PN.GAGAU Ngangau (of the head) To ache; (of a person) very silly (Clk)
PN.GAGAU Gnagnów Headach (Mar)
XW.SOSONI Hohoni Small bucket or water-carrying vessel made of a coconut-shell (Cwd)

4323 entries found