Tongan entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
PN.LEFE | Lefe/tona | Wart | (Cwd) |
XW.LOA.3 | Loa/ʔi | To paint the face | (Cwd) |
XW.LOTE | Lote | To stir or knead (a watery mixture) vigorously with the hands. Pétrir, broyer ensemble (Rch). | (Cwd) |
SO.LOTU.3 | Lo/lotu | To be restless with yearning or with discontent with one's circumstances, etc.; to fret, grieve, pine away | (Cwd) |
TO.LUTU | Lutu(lutu) | To splash about, to raise a splash | (Cwd) |
PN.FUNA.4 | Ma/funa | Ragged or uneven on the surface; flakes on the skin or scalp, scurf, etc. | (Cwd) |
PN.MAALUU.2 | Maluu | (of wind, sea, or day) Mild, pleasantly calm; (of pain) abated, gone | (Cwd) |
PN.MAALUU.1A | Maaluu/luu | Moist and soft | (Cwd) |
PN.MAA-NOQA | Maanoa | String with which a decoy bird is tethered Phonologically Irregular | (Cwd) |
PN.MAA-NOQA | Manoʔo | Bound and tied too tight; constricted or gripped too tight (e.g. by a wedding ring) | (Cwd) |
CE.MOKE | Moke(moke) | (with negative) Say a word Problematic | (Cwd) |
TO.MOQOTIPO | Moʔosipo (hina) | Triumfetta rhomboidea | (Whr) |
TO.MOQOTIPO | Moʔosipo tonga, moʔosipo kula | Urena lobata | (Whr) |
TO.MOQOTIPO | Moachibo | The cotton tree | (Mar) |
NP.NEKE.1A | Neke | To treat or represent as being of special importance, or especially difficult or painful, etc.; to make a fuss of Problematic | (Cwd) |
FJ.NEE | Ne | A particle frequently joined to the end of words for the sake of euphony -- women more frequently use it than men | (Mar) |
PN.NUNU | Nu/si | To rub (clothes) with hands in washing; to crush or crumple together in the hand; to crush and rub between hands (esp. medicinal leaves) | (Cwd) |
XW.NUTI | Nusi | To rub (clothes) with hands in washing; to crush or crumple together in the hand; to crush and rub between hands (esp. medicinal leaves) | (Cwd) |
EO.HOKA.2 | Oko/oka | Stake or pole driven into the sand and used for mooring a boat or canoe Borrowed | (Cwd) |
XW.PAGO.2 | Pango | (of persons) Vulgar, ill-mannered, offensive in speech or behaviour; (of things) regrettable, unfortunate, annoying | (Cwd) |
MP.PAKU.D | Poku | Scabies | (Cwd) |
TO.PALEA | Palea | To knock or bump or strike against something accidentally | (Cwd) |
PN.PAQA-PAQA | Paʔapaʔa | K. food made of bananas and coconut cream | (Cwd) |
PN.PATOKI | Patoki/toki | Black and shiny (of skin, coal, etc. but not hair) | (Cwd) |
PN.PIKO.C | Pi/piko | To be disinclined, reluctant, unwilling | (Cwd) |
AN.KOSI | Kohii | To make a scratching noise | (Cwd) |
PN.POLO.2 | Polo/ʔi | To mark, put a distinguishing mark on; to betroth, promise in marriage | (Cwd) |
MP.PONO.1 | Pono/i | (of wind) Be adverse | (Cwd) |
XW.PUE-KI | Pueki | Small shellfish sp. (much used for ornamental purposes) | (Cwd) |
TO.PUA-LIKI | Pualiki | Tree sp., somewhat like the pua [Fagraea] but bearing smaller flowers | (Cwd) |
PN.PUNU-TI | Punu-si | Fill up, plug up, block up, stop up | (Cwd) |
PN.PUNU-TI | Boo/boonoo | To close; to shut; the lid of any thing | (Mar) |
XW.TUKUMITI | Tukumisi | K. sea-egg | (Cwd) |
PN.TAU.11 | Tou | To pluck or break off (a leaf or leaves) without breaking the branch | (Cwd) |
PN.TAU-WALO | Tauvalo/valo | To shout out and make remarks in surprise or wonder | (Cwd) |
TO.TEGA-MAE | Tengamae | K. shellfish | (Cwd) |
PN.TA-QIA | Teʔia | To hit in order to "pay him out"; to be smitten or stricken, esp. by a supernatural being or power; to be very much in love | (Cwd) |
XW.TAQE-PUPULU | Teʔepupulu | K.sea slug (very soft) | (Cwd) |
XW.TE-TEKI | Teteki | To shudder with fright; to feel scared or embarrassed; (of horse) to shy; to hesitate because of fear | (Cwd) |
TO.TOTI.2 | Tosi | To peck or nibble (lit. or fig.) | (Cwd) |
PN.TOFA.2 | To/tofa | To strike out (a new path) for oneself | (Cwd) |
PN.TUU-KAU.A | Tukau | That part of a fish-spear to which the prongs are bound | (Cwd) |
PN.TURI-QI-WAQE | Tuiʔivaʔe | Knee | (Cwd) |
PN.TUME | Tuma | (of a boat) Slow | (Cwd) |
XW.MAULU | Moulu | To go or come secretly, quietly or unobserved; to slip or fall out unobserved | (Cwd) |
PN.TUPE.2 | Tupe-ʔi | To shake hard; shake out, shake off | (Cwd) |
PN.UE.B | Ue/ʔi | To move or stir (to action, or to change one's course of action) | (Cwd) |
PN.UE.B | Ue/a, ue/sia, ue/ʔia | To move or agitate mentally or spiritually | (Cwd) |
PN.QUFI.3 | ʔUufi/a | To cover, be covered (usually impersonal) | (Cwd) |
XW.WAQI-GA | Vaʔinga | Game, pastime, diversion, hobby; to play, to have a game; to indulge in recreation or amusement or diversion, or in a pastime or a hobby | (Cwd) |
4323 entries found