Tongan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.LEFE Lefe/tona Wart (Cwd)
XW.LOA.3 Loa/ʔi To paint the face (Cwd)
XW.LOTE Lote To stir or knead (a watery mixture) vigorously with the hands. Pétrir, broyer ensemble (Rch). (Cwd)
SO.LOTU.3 Lo/lotu To be restless with yearning or with discontent with one's circumstances, etc.; to fret, grieve, pine away (Cwd)
TO.LUTU Lutu(lutu) To splash about, to raise a splash (Cwd)
PN.FUNA.4 Ma/funa Ragged or uneven on the surface; flakes on the skin or scalp, scurf, etc. (Cwd)
PN.MAALUU.2 Maluu (of wind, sea, or day) Mild, pleasantly calm; (of pain) abated, gone (Cwd)
PN.MAALUU.1A Maaluu/luu Moist and soft (Cwd)
PN.MAA-NOQA Maanoa String with which a decoy bird is tethered Phonologically Irregular (Cwd)
PN.MAA-NOQA Manoʔo Bound and tied too tight; constricted or gripped too tight (e.g. by a wedding ring) (Cwd)
CE.MOKE Moke(moke) (with negative) Say a word Problematic (Cwd)
TO.MOQOTIPO Moʔosipo (hina) Triumfetta rhomboidea (Whr)
TO.MOQOTIPO Moʔosipo tonga, moʔosipo kula Urena lobata (Whr)
TO.MOQOTIPO Moachibo The cotton tree (Mar)
NP.NEKE.1A Neke To treat or represent as being of special importance, or especially difficult or painful, etc.; to make a fuss of Problematic (Cwd)
FJ.NEE Ne A particle frequently joined to the end of words for the sake of euphony -- women more frequently use it than men (Mar)
PN.NUNU Nu/si To rub (clothes) with hands in washing; to crush or crumple together in the hand; to crush and rub between hands (esp. medicinal leaves) (Cwd)
XW.NUTI Nusi To rub (clothes) with hands in washing; to crush or crumple together in the hand; to crush and rub between hands (esp. medicinal leaves) (Cwd)
EO.HOKA.2 Oko/oka Stake or pole driven into the sand and used for mooring a boat or canoe Borrowed (Cwd)
XW.PAGO.2 Pango (of persons) Vulgar, ill-mannered, offensive in speech or behaviour; (of things) regrettable, unfortunate, annoying (Cwd)
MP.PAKU.D Poku Scabies (Cwd)
TO.PALEA Palea To knock or bump or strike against something accidentally (Cwd)
PN.PAQA-PAQA Paʔapaʔa K. food made of bananas and coconut cream (Cwd)
PN.PATOKI Patoki/toki Black and shiny (of skin, coal, etc. but not hair) (Cwd)
PN.PIKO.C Pi/piko To be disinclined, reluctant, unwilling (Cwd)
AN.KOSI Kohii To make a scratching noise (Cwd)
PN.POLO.2 Polo/ʔi To mark, put a distinguishing mark on; to betroth, promise in marriage (Cwd)
MP.PONO.1 Pono/i (of wind) Be adverse (Cwd)
XW.PUE-KI Pueki Small shellfish sp. (much used for ornamental purposes) (Cwd)
TO.PUA-LIKI Pualiki Tree sp., somewhat like the pua [Fagraea] but bearing smaller flowers (Cwd)
PN.PUNU-TI Punu-si Fill up, plug up, block up, stop up (Cwd)
PN.PUNU-TI Boo/boonoo To close; to shut; the lid of any thing (Mar)
XW.TUKUMITI Tukumisi K. sea-egg (Cwd)
PN.TAU.11 Tou To pluck or break off (a leaf or leaves) without breaking the branch (Cwd)
PN.TAU-WALO Tauvalo/valo To shout out and make remarks in surprise or wonder (Cwd)
TO.TEGA-MAE Tengamae K. shellfish (Cwd)
PN.TA-QIA Teʔia To hit in order to "pay him out"; to be smitten or stricken, esp. by a supernatural being or power; to be very much in love (Cwd)
XW.TAQE-PUPULU Teʔepupulu K.sea slug (very soft) (Cwd)
XW.TE-TEKI Teteki To shudder with fright; to feel scared or embarrassed; (of horse) to shy; to hesitate because of fear (Cwd)
TO.TOTI.2 Tosi To peck or nibble (lit. or fig.) (Cwd)
PN.TOFA.2 To/tofa To strike out (a new path) for oneself (Cwd)
PN.TUU-KAU.A Tukau That part of a fish-spear to which the prongs are bound (Cwd)
PN.TURI-QI-WAQE Tuiʔivaʔe Knee (Cwd)
PN.TUME Tuma (of a boat) Slow (Cwd)
XW.MAULU Moulu To go or come secretly, quietly or unobserved; to slip or fall out unobserved (Cwd)
PN.TUPE.2 Tupe-ʔi To shake hard; shake out, shake off (Cwd)
PN.UE.B Ue/ʔi To move or stir (to action, or to change one's course of action) (Cwd)
PN.UE.B Ue/a, ue/sia, ue/ʔia To move or agitate mentally or spiritually (Cwd)
PN.QUFI.3 ʔUufi/a To cover, be covered (usually impersonal) (Cwd)
XW.WAQI-GA Vaʔinga Game, pastime, diversion, hobby; to play, to have a game; to indulge in recreation or amusement or diversion, or in a pastime or a hobby (Cwd)

4323 entries found