Tongan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.MAA-UNU Maʔunu Tomber à travers un panier, par les fentes d'un plancher (Btn)
PN.MAQI Meʔi/te Honorific for *na'a*: (of children) stop crying. (Cwd)
PN.MAQI Mei/te Ne fais pas, cesse (Btn)
XW.MATI.2 Mesi/masi Neither green nor dry; partially dry (of wood, bark, leaves) (Cwd)
XW.MATI.2 Masi Partially dry (= mesimasi), but applied only to paper-mulberry bark (*tutu*). (Cwd)
XW.MATINI Mesini Offrande du kava aux Dieux (Btn)
MP.MURI.1A Mui/a To follow up, follow after, pursue; to remember (a promise) (Cwd)
PN.QOPO ʔOpo/tanga Several layers of beaten paper-mulberry bark (*tutu*) laid together for further beating (in the process of making tapa cloth). (Cwd)
XW.LAFU.3 Nafu/nafu/a (Of the skin) rough and cracked as the result of over-indulgence in kava (Cwd)
XW.SAI Sai Good, good enough....suitable...well (in good health)...a good thing. Borrowed (Cwd)
XW.SEPO.B Sepo K. stew, like thin porridge, made from pawpaw, pumpkin, or *kivi*. Soupe d'*olesi* (pawpaw) (Btn).. Borrowed (Cwd)
FJ.HIFO.C Hifo To be deposed or dismissed from office (Cwd)
FJ.TOHO.B Too Emmener par force une femme pour en abuser (Btn)
TO.TIQI Toe(toe) siʔi To remain or be left to a small extent. Rester peu (Btn). (Cwd)
PN.TAQU.2B Toʔu tangata Generation (of human beings, or of men as distinguished from women); persons of about the same age. Contemporain (Btn). (Cwd)
XW.TUQA-NIA Tuʔenia, tuʔeina To take to heart, feel deeply concerned about (Cwd)
PN.QUGOGO ʔUngongo K. insect: the carpenter bee. Vers dans le bois (Btn). (Cwd)
PN.QUHI.1 ʔUhui Questionner, demander (Btn)
PN.SAA-KILI.1 Hakili To make a thorough examination of (looking in every nook and corner) in searching for something (Cwd)
XW.KALE.2 Ka/kale (Of two or more persons) to run or hurry along (Cwd)
PN.MAA-HINA Maahine/hina To show up white, to present a white appearance (Cwd)
MP.QOLOGAA ʔOlongaa A kind of tree with greyish leaves. (Its bark was formerly used for making string.) (Cwd)
FJ.HOGAHOGA.A Hongohongo A kind of nettle (Urticaceae) (Cwd)

4323 entries found