Tongan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
XW.SOSONI Hohoni Large cocoa-nut shells to hold water (Mar)
XW.LOA.3 Loa Face paint made from the seeds of the loa tree; to paint (the face)’ (Cwd)
XW.LOA.3 Loa To paint the face in time of war (Mar)
PN.LOTO-GA Lo/lotonga To be going on, functioning, or in progress; the (present) time; while... (Cwd)
PN.LOTO-GA Lo/lotonga Already; time, period; then, at that time (Mar)
PN.LONA Lonaa (To have) hiccups (Cwd)
PN.LONA Lona The hiccups (singular) (Mar)
XW.MAMANA Mamana To be fond of or in love with (Cwd)
XW.MAMANA Mamana To be in love with (Mar)
XW.MAASIMA Maasima Salt (Cwd)
XW.MAASIMA Masima Salt (muriate of soda) (Mar)
XW.PAUQU Pauʔu Ill-mannered, naughty, mischievous (Cwd)
XW.PAUQU Pow Mischievous, audacious (Mar)
PN.TAQAGA Táanga A song, poetry (Mar)
PN.TAA.1D Taa To play (a piano or other stringed instrument); to perform, render [ex. nose-flute] (Cwd)
PN.TETE Tete/mi To flutter, to tremble Problematic (Mar)
PN.TETE Tateme To flicker or quiver Problematic (Cwd)
PN.TUA.4 Tua A kind of yam (Cwd)
PN.TUA.4 Tooa A superior sort of yam (Mar)
PN.TUKI.B Tuuki/a To trip, stumble (Cwd)
PN.TUKI.B Toogi/e To stumble, to fall down (Mar)
PN.TUKI.C Toogi A hammer or mallet (Mar)
PN.TAUALA Tauala To luff, to sail close or closer to the wind (Cwd)
PN.TAUALA Tow-alla To luff, to bring a vessel’s head nearer to the wind (Mar)
PN.TAU-FAA Taufa Squall, rain-storm (Cwd)
PN.TAU-FAA Towfa A squall of wind, a gale (Mar)
FJ.WESA Vesa Bracelet, bangle, wristlet Phonologically Irregular (Cwd)
FJ.WESA Vesa A bracelet of any kind Phonologically Irregular (Mar)
PN.MATA.2B Matta Ripe (a term chiefly applied to cocoa-nuts) (Mar)
PN.MATA.2B Niu mata Fourth growth stage of coconuts (Cwd)
PN.MOTO.2B Niu motomoto Seventh coconut growth stage (Cwd)
PN.MATA-TILI Matasili (of coconuts) To begin to sprout; (of seed-yams) to sprout (Cwd)
PN.NAMU-AQA Namooá A bad smell (Mar)
PN.NAMU-AQA Namuaʔa To have a strong or pungent smell (Cwd)
FJ.QAA-SIO-SIO ʔAhiohio Whirlwind, cyclone, waterspout (Cwd)
PN.TAGO.B Tango To lie in wait for (Mar)
PN.HOA Gna/hoa A pair, a couple (Mar)
PN.PEE ʔApee Perhaps, I guess, I suggest (Cwd)
PN.PEE A bé Perhaps, likely (Mar)
XW.PUSA.3 Pu/puha To be so warm as to perspire; (of weather) to be so warm as to cause perspiration (Cwd)
MP.PIKI.1A Piki/piki Gathered up, puckered (e.g. of a garment badly mended or a wound badly healed, leaving an ugly scar) (Cwd)
PN.WALE-MOHE Velemohe To feel drowsy (Cwd)
PN.LAU-QITI Lausiʔi Narrow Phonologically Irregular (Cwd)
FJ.IRI.B ʔIli/ʔili To fan Phonologically Irregular (Cwd)
XW.MA-SEQA Maheʔa To be heard, to become audible (esp. of faint or distant sounds) (Cwd)
PN.LOLE.1 Lole/lole To jog along with a task, to get on with it in a leisurely way (Cwd)
PN.LOLE.1 Loole/nga Ways or customs or behaviour peculiar to certain places or groups of people (Cwd)
PN.MARONA Malona To subside, ease off (of worry, pain, disease, etc.) (Cwd)
PN.SAWALA Havala Grasping, never satisfied, always wanting more; to crave after (Cwd)
PN.MA-TOSI Matohi Marked with a line or narrow stripe (Cwd)

4323 entries found