Reconstruction Level: PN - Polynesian
Reconstruction | Description |
WOKE | Lever with twisting action: *(w)oke |
WAHA-WAHA | Spread out, separated by intervals; not close together, not tight (of a joint or closure) |
RAQA-KAU.B | Wood, wooden; piece of wood, stick, object made of wood; tool, device |
TOLO.2B | Extend, stretch forth (arm, etc.), reach, thrust |
TAA.4B | To fish, catch fish: *taa (ika) |
SAU-QARIKI | Chiefs |
MEQA-KAI | Food |
FIA-INU | To be thirsty |
TAU-SOA | Be a couple, do something as a couple or pair; be friends |
TAU-TASA | Single, only one |
MATA.5 | Door, entrance |
QALU.C | Go, come |
LAU-MANU | Flock of birds (indicating a shoal of fish) |
FAKA-RAU | To make a hundred; to increase in number, multiply (vt) |
TUKU.C | Let go, release; give; allow, permit |
TUKU-GA | Custom, tradition, habit |
TAPA.1B | Edge, border, or small piece of cloth |
GAHE-GAHE | Weak, exhausted, lazy, ill |
SUA.4 | Change tack (in sailing) |
POO.1B | Day (24 hour period) |
TAU-.14 | Prefix to numerals, deriving nouns which denote a group (bunch, cluster) of that number |
TUQA-A-MATA | Upper part of eye (eyelid to eyebrow) |
FAKA-RUA.1 | Twice; to do twice, do a second time, repeat |
FAI-QAHAWANA | To marry |
SIKI.1E | Shift or move to another place |
NANU.A | Speak indistinctly or confusedly |
E.1B | Numeral particle |
MATE-GA | Death; illness |
QUHI.3 | Reason, explanation, meaning: *quhi(-ga) |
MA-LEPE | Smashed, destroyed |
NEFU.2B | Powdery, dusty, ashy |
TAU-TAMA | Suckle an infant; take care of a child |
TAU-TONU | On time, at the right time; at the right time or place, in the right manner |
SOIFUA | Healthy, well |
FAKA-MORI | To offer, present |
FAKA-NOA | Refuse to listen or speak, take no interest |
MAFA-TIA | Weighed down, bent under weight; burdened, oppressed |
MAQI | Negative imperative: don't! |
MA-UU | Sink |
TAQU.2B | Age-class, generation |
TULEKI-NA | Push over, push aside |
QUGOGO | Worm or insect sp., destructive to wood |
MAA-HINA | To shine |
HOGAHOGA.B | Stinging, painful, annoying: *hog(a,o)(hog(a,o)) |
1844 entries found