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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Emae PN.MAALUU.2 Maruu Easy; wait (a minute)
Vaeakau-Taumako EC.MAALUU.1B Maluu Pee, urinate
Sikaiana EC.MAALUU.1B Maalu To toilet, to defecate
Takuu EC.MAALUU.1B Maaruu (pl. malluu) Defecate, have a bowel movement, go to the toilet (pl. malluu)
Niue PN.MAALUU.1A Maluu Moist, damp (climate)
New Zealand Maori MP.MAMA.2 Mama Perform rites to nullify witchcraft or remove tapu Problematic
Marquesas MP.MAMA.2 Mama Mâcher. Masticate; écraser sous les dents (Atl).
Marquesas MP.MAHUKU Mouku (MQN), mouʔu (MQS) Jonc, plante de la famille des cypéracées. A species of rush (Bgs). Roseau, reed (Erianthus floridulus) [Nukuhiva Dialect] (Atl).
Tahitian MP.MAMA.2 Mama Mâcher légèrement un aliment pour l'attendrir avant de donner à un bébé
Tongan MP.MAMA.2 Mama, maa To chew, esp. kava...or candlenuts (preparatory to using them as soap), or food which, after being chewed, is to be fed to a baby
Mangareva MP.MAHUKU Mouku Scented fern sp.
West Futuna MP.MAMA.2 Mama (trans. ma/ia) To chew, masticate without swallowing. Chew in order to soften food for baby (Cpl).
Nuguria CP.MAMA.4 Mama Ring (imported)
Easter Island NP.MAMA.5 Haka/mama Yawn ; bostezar
West Futuna XO.MAAMAA.* Ma/ia Chew, masticate without swallowing Problematic
Mangaia PN.MAQAMAQA.B Ate /maamaa/ Lungs
Rarotongan PN.MAQAMAQA.B Ate/maamaa Lungs
Easter Island NP.LAWA-KA Ravaʔa Coger, pillar, recibir, obtener, tener, algo Phonologically Irregular
Luangiua NP.MAMAE.1 Mmae Pain, tender
Pukapuka NP.MAMAE.1 Mamae To blister
West Uvea MP.MOMO.A Mumu Friable, qui se frite en miettes Phonologically Irregular
Tuamotu PN.MAMAE.2 Mamae Well looked after
West Uvea MP.MA-MAFA Mumaha Lourd, pesant; porter le deuil; respectueusement, dignement
Rapa PN.MAMAGI Maiangi A tree (Sophora tetraptera) Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea PN.MA-MALU Mamalu Prestige; majesteux, solennel, imposant, impressionant
East Futuna PN.MA-MALU Mamalu Inspirer de la crainte; crainte (inspir?e par qqn); respect
Rennellese PN.MA-MALU Haka/mamangu/ngaʔaki Treat well or with respect, even if against one's wishes; pretend agreement
Tokelau PN.MA-MALU Mamalu Dignity, prestige, honour, respect, glory; respected, honoured
Mangareva PN.MAMAQO Mamao Eloigné, de loin. Etre éloigné; se tenir à l'écart (navire) (Rch).
Mangaia EP.MAMARI Maamari Orchitis, inflammatory disease of the testicles
Marquesas EP.MAMARI Mamaʔi. Maamaʔi (Mtu). Oeuf. Toutes sortes de glandes en général: génitoires, chrysalides, larves d'insectes (Lch). Egg. Oeufs de poisson; roe (of fish) (Atl).
Tuamotu EP.MAMARI Mamari The testes
East Uvea CP.MA-MATA Mamata Voir, contempler
East Futuna PN.MA-MATE.1 Mamate/vaʔe Numb foot
Sikaiana PN.SUMU.3 Simu A star constellation
Rarotongan PN.MA-MATE.1 Maamate Benumbed, paralyzed
Tokelau PN.MA-MATE.1 Mamate Numb
Tongan PN.MA-MATE.1 Mamate Numb
East Futuna PN.MA-MATE.2 Mamate Die (plural of mate)
East Uvea PN.MA-MATE.2 Mamate Die (plural of mate)
New Zealand Maori PN.MA-MATE.2 Matemate Die (of more than one person) Problematic
Ifira-Mele PN.MA-MATE.2 Mmate Die (plural of mate)
Marquesas PN.MA-MATE.2 Mamate (I) Die (of more than one person)
Niue PN.MA-MATE.2 Mamate Plural of mate
Pukapuka PN.MA-MATE.2 Mamate Die (plural)
Rennellese PN.MA-MATE.2 Mamate Die (of more than one person)
Samoan PN.MA-MATE.2 Mamate Die (Plural)
Tikopia PN.MA-MATE.2 Mamate Emphatic form of %mate|, not restricted to plural use
Tongan PN.MA-MATE.2 Mamate Die in fire, shipwreck, etc. (of two or more)
Tuamotu PN.MA-MATE.2 Mamate Die (of two), die twice