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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Arosi MP.MAMI Mami fresh, not salt, sweetened
Kapingamarangi MP.MAMI Momi To taste; a taste of
Emae MP.MAMI Maami Taste
Nukuoro MP.MAMI Mami Taste of something
Luangiua MP.MAMI Haa/mami Body action during intercourse Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka MP.MAMI Momi Taste, savour
Sa'a MP.MAMI Mami To taste.
Hawaiian CE.MAMO.1 Mamo Descendant, posterity
Tahitian CE.MAMO.1 Mamo Race, lineage, progeny (obsolete in Tahiti, but retained in other dialects)
East Uvea PN.MANAFA Manafa Tombe, tombeau, fosse pour enterrer
West Uvea PN.MANAFA Manaha Terre, pays; champ, jardin; endroit
Pukapuka CE.MANAFUNE Manawune A legendary character, one of two brothers from Tonga (Bge:379) Problematic
Kapingamarangi PN.MANA-QIA Manee To desire physically a member of the opposite sex Problematic
Niue PN.MANA-QIA Manaia Decorated, embellished, decorative
Fijian NP.MANA-QAKI Mana-ti Affected by a disease Problematic
New Zealand Maori NP.MANA-QAKI Manaaki-tia Show respect or kindness to; entertain
Hawaiian PN.MANAKO Manaʔo To think, estimate, suppose...
Pukapuka PN.MANAKO Manako To like, desire; think, intend
Rarotongan PN.MANAKO Manako Have in mind, think, consider, intend, expect
Tahitian PN.MANAKO Manaʔo Idée, pensée, avis; penser, méditer
Hawaiian CE.MANATAA Manakaa Boresome, tiresome, dull, monotonous, wearied, wearisome, uninteresting; bored, uninterested
Pukapuka PN.MANATU Manatu Think of, intend to; idea, intention, thought
Rarotongan PN.MANATU Manatu Bewilderment; disconcerted, perturbed. Biblical only. Problematic
West Futuna PN.MANATU Manatu/nea Think, meditate, understand
Hawaiian MP.MANAWA.1 Manawa/hua Discomfort of the stomach or indigestion, with gas and often diarrhea
Tahitian MP.MANAWA.1 Manava The belly, stomach, interior man
Hawaiian MQ.MANAWA.2 Manawa Anterior fontanelle
Marquesas MQ.MANAWA.2 Heʔe ia menava. Hua menava (MQN) (Atl). Anterior fontanelle. Fontaine de la tête, fontanelle.
Pukapuka AN.MAANAWA.1 Maanava Long-winded, good at holding breath under water
Samoan AN.MAANAWA.1 Maanava Breathe, breath; palpitate, pulsate; rest from work
Hawaiian CE.MAANAWA.2 Maanawa/nawa A beach Vitex
Marquesas PN.MANEQA Manea S'amuser, s'attarder, se faire attendre, se retarder, lambiner
Rarotongan PN.MANEQA Maanea Excellent, suitability, beauty; agreeable to sight, taste or smell Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka PN.MANEGA Maanenga Steephead Parrotfish (Scarus microrhinos)
Easter Island PN.MANIA.1 Maniŋa Feel acidity of teeth ; sentir dentera, sentirse destemplado Problematic
East Futuna PN.MANIA.1 Mani(a)nia Be set on edge (of teeth)
East Uvea PN.MANIA.1 Mania Show the teeth
Hawaiian PN.MANIA.1 Mania Shudder, set on edge (of teeth)
Emae PN.MANIA.1 Maania/nia To have one's teeth set on edge
Niue PN.MANIA.1 Mania Ache, toothache, twinge of pain; bitter.
Penrhyn PN.MANIA.1 Mania To set one's teeth on edge
Rarotongan PN.MANIA.1 Mania Set on edge (of teeth); feel creeping sensation (of skin)
Samoan PN.MANIA.1 Maagia/gia (of teeth) Be on edge Phonologically Irregular
Tahitian PN.MANIA.1 Mania Avoir les dents agacées. To be set on an edge, as the teeth by eating sour fruit (Dvs).
Tikopia PN.MANIA.1 Faka/maniania To set on edge, as the teeth
Tongan PN.MANIA.1 Maninia Shudder, set on edge (of teeth)
Marquesas NP.MA-NIA.2 Mania, menia Smooth, flat, of a surface. Uni, poli; plat; plaine, terrain uni; lisse, glissant; mer calme
Takuu NP.MA-NIA.2 Mania Absolutely smooth...; slippery
Penrhyn TA.MAANIANIA Maaniania Shout to produce quiet; noisy; to chatter
Tahitian TA.MAANIANIA Maaniania Vacarme, agitation bruyante, bruyant; être gené par un bruit; (interj.) quel bruit!