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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Easter Island PN.WELO.1 Vero Throw; stab. Throw (a sharp pointed object, e.g. a knife, harpoon, sharpened stick) (Wbr).
Pukapuka PN.WELO.1 Velo Spear, thrust into. Shine directly, pierce (as sun's rays, moonbeams) (Sby). To hurl, to spear, to spring up (Bge).
Rennellese PN.WELO.1 Bego Spear, shoot forth, as a canoe in the current
Anuta SO.VENE Vene A strip of barkcloth used to tie a *poopora* type basket to a woman's back
Hawaiian CE.WESE.* Wehe Open, undo, untie, loosen
Niue CE.WESE.* Ma/vehe To part, say goodbye; to promise Problematic
Easter Island PN.WETE.1 Ve/vete Loosen, untie
Hawaiian PN.WETE.1 Weke To separate, loosen, free; crack, narrow opening; open a crack, as a door
Ifira-Mele PN.WETE.1 Vete/a Untie, unwind, loosen, forgive
Samoan PN.WETE.1 Ve/vete/ Open up a bundle of food wrapped in leaves
Tikopia PN.WETE.1 Vete Untie, loosen
Tokelau PN.WETE.1 Vete Break open, open up, split; dismantle, demolish, take apart; burgle, loot, vandalise; plunder, loot, spoil
Tongan PN.WETE.1 Vete Loose, unloose, unfasten, untie, undo, unpack, unwind, unstitch etc.; release; take off (clothes); confess (wrongdoing)
Tuamotu PN.WETE.1 Vete Separate, slip off- one leaf; be apportioned out (as food)
West Futuna PN.WETE.1 Vete-a Untie, loosen, open, unsnarl. Dérouler la ligne; oter (vêtements) (Rve).
Tahitian PN.WETE.2 Vete Barbillon, poisson de la famille des Mullidae (Mulloidichthys samoensis) quand il atteint une grande taille après être passé par le stade `oouma
Easter Island CE.WEU.1 Veu Roots of certain plants (kuumara, yam) Problematic
New Zealand Maori CE.WEU.1 Weu Fibre, rootlet; single hair; tuft of hair used ritually
Penrhyn CE.WEU.1 Veu Tassel-decoration, loose ends for fans and hats
Tahitian CE.WEU.1 Veu Downy hair, a woolly kind of hair, a sort of fringe on the border of a garment; the downy hair of a dog; to have a downy or shaggy border
East Futuna SO.VEVE Veve Mat placed over food in oven.
Tokelau SO.VEVE Veve Leaves used in previous oven directly above food, now used as outer layer
East Futuna PN.WEWE.A Veve Mats covering food in earth oven
Tokelau PN.WEWE.A Veve Topmost covering of an oven, usually leaves; property of a poor person
Easter Island EP.WEWE.B Veve Poor
Rarotongan EP.WEWE.B Veve Poor, short of, indigent
Tuamotu EP.WEWE.B Veve Poor, poverty stricken
Nukuoro PN.WII.B Vii Fermented, spoiled of food left too long
Luangiua PN.WILI.2 Vili Talking too much, showing off
Pukapuka CE.WIWO Viivoo Leaflet Jew's harp, toy Problematic
Tuamotu CE.WIWO Viivoo The nose flute
Kapingamarangi EO.LAQU.1 Lau Hooked
Emae PN.MOLE.2 More/more Loose
Hawaiian AN.KAI.1A ʔAi Food, eat
Tongan PN.KAU-QULI Kookauʔuli Niua name of the ngatata (Alectryon sp.)
Waya EO.FAO Vaaoo Tree sp. (Neisosperma oppositifolia)
Nukumanu OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom
Luangiua PN.FAALOO.A Halakoo Stretch Phonologically Irregular
Luangiua EO.KESE ʔEhe Too soon
Nukumanu OC.LOA.1 Loo/loa Long
Nukumanu CP.GOGO.1 Nonoo Booby
Nukumanu SO.KANAPU.1 Kanopu Large brown booby
Tongan PN.HAALIQA Haaliʔa Small depression in shallow sea or lagoon
New Zealand Maori CE.HOORUA Hoorua Toboggan down a hillside on the branch of a tree
Hawaiian CE.HOORUA Hoolua Sled, especially the ancient sled used on grassy slopes; the sled course
Takuu EC.NAMU.1B N/namu Try a food, taste
Kapingamarangi PN.FAKA-QILO Hagailoo To notify; to announce
New Zealand Maori PN.FAKA-QILO-GA Whakairo Ornament with a pattern -- used of carving, tattooing, painting, weaving
Tuamotu PN.FIA-KAI Hiakai To suffer with hunger, hanker for food
Manihiki-Rakahanga AN.AKA.A Aka Root