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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan PN.QAATEA Aatea Clear, unoccupied, free from obstruction
Samoan PN.QAATEA Atea Lee side of canoe Problematic
Sikaiana PN.QAATEA Aatea Clear (as sky)
Tahitian PN.QAATEA Atea Clear, having no obstruction, no obscurity; openness, clearness, distinctness; distant, far off
Tahitian PN.QAATEA Aatea Lointain, éloigné, distant
Takuu PN.QAATEA Aatea Free from restrictions of shame or forbiddance or ignorance to undertake a specific task; (of a house or area) clean; neat, uncluttered; (of water) clean, clear, free of impurities; (of the sky) clear, free of clouds
Tikopia PN.QAATEA Aatea Away, out
Tikopia PN.QAATEA Atea/tea Broad
Tokelau PN.QAATEA Aatea Clearing, open space
Tongan PN.QAATEA ʔAatea With nothing in the hands, empty-handed
Tuamotu PN.QAATEA Atea Clear, open, unobstructed
Fijian PN.QATE-LOA Ate balavu Spleen (lit. "long liver") Problematic
Niue PN.QATE-LOA Ate loa Spleen
Tahitian PN.QATE-LOA Ateroa The milt or spleen
East Uvea PN.QATE-PILI Ate pili Rognon
Emae PN.QATE-PILI Atepiri Pancreas ?
Niue PN.QATE-PILI Ate pili Spleen
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QATE-PILI Ate phili Lung
Rennellese PN.QATE-PILI ʔAte pigi Kidney
Samoan PN.QATE-PILI Ate pili Spleen ; pancreas
Tokelau PN.QATE-PILI Ate pili Spleen
Tongan PN.QATE-PILI ʔAte pili Spleen
West Futuna PN.QATE-PILI Tepiri Spleen
East Futuna PN.ATI.1 Ti Ensuite; alors; et puis
Mangareva PN.ATI.2 A/ati Wait for. Espérer, attendre un peu
Rotuman PN.ATI.2 Ati Visit, inspect, try, attempt Borrowed
Tongan PN.HALA-MATUQA Hala motua Grande route, chemin battu
Niue PN.QATI.1 Ati Penetrate, enter, break through
Nukuoro SO.QATI.2 Adi Relate news or gossip
Rennellese SO.QATI.2 ʔAti gongo Tell
Tikopia SO.QATI.2 Ati Suppose, allege, hold, think, affirm; call, term, name
East Futuna PN.QATI.3 Aati/ga Augmenter, accroitre (dans les cantiques) Problematic
Niue PN.QATI.3 Ati To build (traditionally to collect stones and material for building a house
Samoan PN.QATI.3 Ati Build (with stones or concrete)
Tikopia PN.QATI.3 Ati Heap up, pile up, accumulate
Tongan PN.QATI.3 ʔAsi/nga All the more, all the greater
New Zealand Maori NP.AATI Te /Ati/- First part of some tribal names
Marquesas NP.QULA-QULA Uʔauʔa tai Langouste
East Futuna PN.QATIU Atiu Herbe grimpante (not attested by (Bgs)) (obs - Mfr)
Niue PN.ATO Ato High note in singing (b?)
Easter Island AN.QATO ʔAto Techar exteriomente una casa, bardar un techo
Niue AN.QATO Ato To cover (mainly refers to covering a shelter with leaves, or to cover an area of land with leaves , usually for the purpose of a burn-off). To thatch (McE).
Kapingamarangi OC.ATU Adu Toward the listener
Takuu OC.ATU Atu Post-verbal particle indicating movement away from the speaker, extension or increase in the property denoted by the verb
West Futuna OC.ATU Atu Indicates that action is directed at addressee
East Futuna OC.QATU.1 ʔAtu Bonito. "Bonite au ventre rayé" (Katsuwonus pelamis) (Mfr).
Marquesas OC.QATU.1 Atu Bonite
Kapingamarangi CP.FAQELU Haalu di tono To wipe oneself after defecating
Rennellese MP.QATU.2 ʔAtu hano Ancestral line, patrilineal of matrilineal; to follow generations later
Takuu MP.QATU.2 Atu Tensioning strap of a backstrap loom