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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tahitian EP.NAWE Nave/nave Plaisir sensuel, volupté; delicieux, volupteux; etre charmé, se delecter, jouir
Anuta PN.NE Ne Past tense marker
East Uvea PN.NE Neʔe Past tense marker
Kapingamarangi PN.NE Ne Past and completed action
Niue PN.NE Ne Past tense marker (simple past or past progressive; possibly relative clause marker)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.NE Ne Particle signifying past tense and punctual aspect
Tikopia PN.NE Ne Past tense marker
Tongan PN.NE Ne Past tense marker
Fijian FJ.NEE Nee Sentence final interrogative particle
New Zealand Maori FJ.NEE Nee Sentence final interrogative particle implying expected agreement
Luangiua FJ.NEE ŋee Sentence final interrogative particle. 9e
Rotuman FJ.NEE Nee Sentence final interrogative particle
Marquesas PN.QAUEE Uee(uee). Ue (Atl). Uee, uuee (Mtu). Pleurer, gémir, regretter, s'affliger; se lamenter. Deuil, mourning [Southeast Marquesan Dialect] (Atl).
Tikopia FJ.NEE Ne Exclamative-interrogative particle: eh? wasn't it!
Tokelau FJ.NEE Nei Interrogative particle used to emphasize a question
Tongan FJ.NEE Nai Perhaps, I wonder (expresses uncertainty, wonder, interrogation)
Penrhyn PN.NEFU.2A Nehu Muddy (water)
Tongan FJ.OLO.1 Olo/olo Uncultivated bushland near the coast. Pente, descent sur le bord de la mer (Btn).
Rennellese PN.NEFU.2A Nehu Be poor-sighted, blurred
Samoan PN.NEFU.2A Nefu Cloudy (of water, a mirror)
East Futuna NP.NEI Nei Ci (démonstratif singulier, proche du locuteur)
New Zealand Maori NP.NEI Nei Denotes proximity to or connection with the speaker
Marquesas NP.NEI Nei Ici, presentement, maintenant, ci. Particule qui marque une action en cours: maintenant, présentement, actuellement. Démonstratif désignant ce qui est proche de celui qui parle: ice (Lch). Here (Mtu). This, here, now (Crk).
New Zealand Maori NP.NAA.1 Naa Used to indicate position near or connection with the person addressed
Tahitian NP.NEI Nei (après un article, une forme nominale ou verbale) Indique un lieu proche du locuteur, ou un temps rapproché du moment de référence, ou, indique les deux
Takuu SO.KI-NAA Kinaa There, near the listener, or place already mentioned in discourse
West Uvea NP.NEI Nei (comme dernier élément d'un groupe nominal): -ci; (adv) maintenant
Marquesas NP.NEKE.1A Neke Crawl, edge along. Se traîner, marcher en rampant; s'étendre, se répandre, se propager, s'insinuer (Lch). Se déplacer assis, move while seated (Atl).
Mangareva NP.NEKE.1A Neki S'avancer en rampant, se trainer une petite distance. Crawl, creep along; retreat or draw back to someone at a little distance (Tgr). Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn NP.NEKE.1A Neke(neke) Crawl, move; get out of the way, stay aside, step aside
Rotuman NP.NEKE.1A Neʔe Hesitate, pause, halt in reading, speaking
Sikaiana NP.NEKE.1A N/neke To move from one place to another, of people; to move some item from one place to another
Samoan SO.NEKE.1B Neʔe To bear up, to lift up (as a boat lifted by water)
Easter Island PN.NENE Nene Delicious, exquisite, succulent. Sweet (Wbr).
Kapingamarangi PN.NENE Ma/nee To desire physically a member of opposite sex, sexual desire Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas PN.NENE Nene Chatouiller, exciter Tickle, excite; breast (Bgs).
Nukumanu PN.POLATA Polata Constellation: five stars near Mailapa [Altair]
Rarotongan PN.NENE Nene Ejaculate semen , orgasm
New Zealand Maori NP.AA-NEWA Aanewa o te rangi Whirlwind
Samoan PN.NEWA.A Neva Saunter, stroll ; wander about having nowhere to go
Tahitian PN.NEWA.A Neva/neva Instable, inconstant. Wild, unsteady; wandering, applied to the eye (Dvs).
Takuu PN.NEWA.A Neva Hover; (walk) unsteadily
West Uvea SO.NEVE Neve-a Corde à fardeau; porter sur les reins [Heo Dialect]; porter sur le dos avec un lien d'attache [Muli Dialect]
Luangiua EC.NI.1 ŋi(i) Past tense marker
Sikaiana EC.NI.1 Ni Past tense marker
Takuu EC.NI.1 Ni Tense-aspect marker
West Futuna EC.NI.1 Ni- Past, simple, completed action Problematic
Anuta SO.NI.2 Ni Indefinite article plural: some
East Uvea SO.NI.2 Ni Plural indefinite article
Emae SO.NI.2 Gi Article (plural or indefinite mass) Phonologically Irregular