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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tongan XW.KOFU.1B Cofoo To clothe
Tongan TO.KUU.3 Musi/kuu Cut (or cut off) too short, mutilated
Tongan TO.KUU.3 Nima-coo With the loss of a finger
Tongan TO.KUU.3 Nifo-coo Toothless, having lost a tooth
Tongan CP.KUKU.1A Coocoo To grasp; a handful
Tongan PN.KULA.1B Coola A species of the paroquet; beads
Tongan PN.KULA.1A Coola-coola Red
Tongan PN.KULU-KULU.1 Cooloo-cooloo A species of the dove (the columba purpurata)
Tongan OC.KAU-QAHE Co-ooáhe The cheek
Tongan PN.KAU.2C Cow-oofi A parcel of yams, twenty in number
Tongan AN.WAQE Kau/vaʔe Leg (incl. the foot) from the knee downwards, shank
Tongan AN.WAQE Váë. Cow-váë. The foot, leg, paw, mark. The leg.
Tongan PN.WALE.2 Vale, valea. Cow-vale. Ky-vale. Mad, insane, foolish, crazy, delirious; ignorant. A pack of fools. Greedy, gluttonous.
Tongan PN.KAU-NATU Cownatoo The stick which is forcibly rubbed on a flat piece of dry wood to procure fire
Tongan XW.EFE Effe/nioo Grated cocoa-nut after the emulsion is pressed out
Tongan AN.EFU.1 Efoo Ashes; dust
Tongan PN.PULE.2 Fa-boole Eloquent
Tongan MP.FAGA.3 Fa/fanga To feed; to nourish; to supply with food
Tongan PN.FAQO.1B Fafaoo To fill up, to stuff full, to load, to burthen
Tongan PN.FATU.1C Fa/fatoo To curl, to fold up
Tongan PN.QUHI.1 Fe/hooi To inquire, an inquiry, a question, to request advice
Tuvalu PN.FAKA-WALE Fakavale/vale Foolishness; act like a lunatic; have epileptic fits; have crazy spells
Tuvalu PN.FAKA-WALE Fakavale/a To trick, deceive, make a person look like a fool
Tuvalu AN.POO-POO.A P/poo Massage (v) [Nanumea, Nanumanga]
Tuvalu CP.LIALIA Faka/lialia vale To dress immodestly, to dress as a person of loose morals
Tuvalu SO.FAFA.3 Fafa The rope from the boom of a sail
Tuvalu PN.FAKA-TOO.A Fakatoo Cause to fall or drop; cause rain to fall
Tuvalu AN.MATA.2A ʔMata Raw, green, uncooked
Tongan AN.MATUQA.A Matooa. Motooa. Fafine motooa. An old man. Age, old, state; (of bread-fruit, yams, &c.) full-grown, ripe; to wear away with age. An old woman, a widow, also a wife.
Tongan AN.FOAKI Fooági To make a present; to give; given
Tongan CP.FUQAGA Fooanga A grindstone, a whetstone
Tongan PN.FAALIKI Faligi, falligi To pave, to floor
Tongan AN.FANA.1 Fanna To shoot as with a gun or bow
Tongan FJ.FENUA.*D Fanna-fonnooa Great guns, ord[n]ance, cannon
Tongan AN.FARU.1 Faoo To take away by main force, or by virtue of superior rank or authority
Tongan PN.FAQO.1B Faoo To load, to burthen, to stock with
Tongan PN.FATU.1C Fatoo To fold or wrap up; furl (sail); a bale
Tongan PN.TULA Toola. Fa/toola. Bald, bald-headed. Beardless.
Tongan TO.FATU.5 Fatoo The stomach
Tongan PN.OKO.1 Fele/oko Storehouse for yams or other garden food
Tongan PN.FEO Feoo-feoo Coral
Tongan PN.FAI-QUMU Feiʔumu To prepare a native oven, or to prepare food in a native oven
Tongan PN.FAI-QUMU Feoomoo To cook
Niue PN.FAI-QUMU Faiumu To cook food in a traditional earth oven, to make an earth oven
Samoan PN.FAI-QUMU Faiumu To make or cook a baking of food; a cook
Anuta PN.FAI-QUMU Pai umu To make oven (i.e. prepare food in an earth oven)
Tongan OC.FAFIE Fi-fie Firewood, fuel
Tongan AN.FILI.1 Fili To select, to choose, to guess; a choice; to strive, to search; an adversary, to contend with
Tongan PN.FIU Fioo To satiate, to have enough of; satisfied, tired of
Tongan AN.FITU Fitoo The numeral seven