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7404 Results matching "aa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tikopia NP.QALA-QALA Araara Talk, discuss, yarn
Anuta NP.QALA-QALA Araara To chat, discuss; discussion
Anuta NP.QALA-QALA Araara/panga Story
Rarotongan NP.QALA-QALA Araara Say, talk, speak
New Zealand Maori NP.QALA-QALA Araara Renowned, much talked of
Samoan PN.LAQAA-INA Faʔa/laaina Fast (v)
Samoan PN.MAALOSI Ivi maalosi Tibia
Samoan OC.MA-RAMA.A Maalama/lama Fine, cloudless
Samoan OC.MATUQU.A Manava maatuu/tuu A type of constipation
Samoan PN.TATAA Manava tataa Diarrhoea
Rennellese PN.TURI-QI-LIMA Tugi (aa) gima Elbow
East Uvea PN.QAMO-GA ʔAamoga Fardeau, charge que l'on porte sur l'épaule à l'aide d'un bâton
East Futuna PN.QAMO-GA ʔAamoga Charge, fardeau
Tokelau PN.QAMO-GA Aamoga Load on the shoulder (with or without a yoke)
Rennellese PN.QAMO-GA ʔAamonga Persons carrying a heavy load, as a canoe on shoulders; such a load
Ifira-Mele PN.QAMO-GA Aamoga Load, burden (esp. carried at both ends of a pole)
Rennellese PN.HALA-MATUQA Aga o maatuʔa Trail taken by gods or ancestors Problematic
Rennellese PN.WAO-MATUQA Bao maatuʔa Ancient forests
Tuamotu CP.MAQAFU.2 Maahu A nebula, star cluster
Nukuoro NP.MANU.1C Manu aabi Kite
Nuguria NP.MANU.1B Aa/manu Name of a constellation
Rarotongan PN.MATA-LIKI.A ʔAakara matariki Watch narrowly, examine intently, stare hard Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangaia PN.MATA-LIKI.A Kaakaro matariki Look carefully, watch carefully Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka EP.PI-PIRI Pipili-maa Name of two stars in Scorpio (Makemson 1941)
Rarotongan EP.PI-PIRI Pipiri/maa Star names: the inseparables, the double star in Scorpio
Tongan FJ.QARA Aa To awake
Tongan PN.KAATOA-GA Kaatoanga Festival, public festivity or celebration
East Uvea PN.KAATOA-GA Kaatoaga Fête traditionnelle, fête publique avec danses et distribution de vivres
Tongan PN.TULA Faa/tula (of a man) Naturally without beard, moustache or whiskers
Luangiua PN.FATU-TILI Haakili Banged together Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan PN.PAA.4 Paa Shield Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan AN.TAA.1B Taa(ʔi) To chop, to cut or carve (e.g. a canoe) by chopping; to draw (a picture)...
New Zealand Maori PN.MAKA-SUNU Makahua A kind of stone, used for haangii Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna PN.MATA-FENUA Mataa fenua Côte habitée
Tongan PN.MATA-FENUA Mataafonua Coast, shore, from the standpoint of the sea
Rarotongan PN.TA-FOKI Taaʔoki To return; send or put back, return, replace; repeat
Samoan FJ.TEI.2 Taai Preposed particle: nearly, almost
Tokelau FJ.TEI.2 Taai Preposed particle: nearly, almost, soon
Mota PN.WAO-A Vaoaa To be overgrown by weeds
Tongan PN.KAA.1 Kaa/lou (of a dog) To bark
Niue XW.PAQOGO Paaogo A type of floor mat (woven with wide double strips of pandanus)
East Futuna PN.TAAU-GA.B Tautaauga Crochet auquel on suspend les paniers de vivres dans la maison
Tongan PN.KAAKAA.2 Kaakaa To act deceitfully or fraudulently, to cheat
Niue PN.KAAKAA.2 Kaakaa To be boastful, to be cheeky, to be outspoken (refers to a harsh, aggessive way of boasting)
East Uvea PN.KAAKAA.2 Kaakaa Tromper, duper, tricher, trahir; fourberi, trahison...
East Futuna PN.KAAKAA.2 Kaakaa Malin, rusé; ruse
East Futuna PN.KAAKAA.2 Kaakaa/ʔi Tromper, être trompé
Tongan PN.LONA Lonaa (To have) hiccups
East Uvea PN.LONA Lonaa Hoquet; avoir le hoquet
Tokelau PN.LONA Lonaa Be choked on a piece of food