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7404 Results matching "aa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Niue PN.MAA-NOQA Manoa. Maanoa (McE). Thread. Spool, reel (McE).
Samoan PN.MAA-NOQA Maanoa Thread, string
Rennellese PN.MAA-NOQA Maanoa Cloth or leather as attached to the two ends of the rubber in a sling; line attached to the leg of a tame pigeon Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.MATA-QALI Mataali Premature (of fruit)
Niue SO.TAFA-QATA Ma/tafa/tafaata Early morning
East Futuna PN.KA.2 Mo/kaa Quand; au moment ou
Niue NP.NAA.1 Naa Demonstrative adjective, pointing to something or someone near the person addressed Problematic
Nukuoro NP.NAA.1 Naa There near you; in the future
Rarotongan NP.NAA.1 Naa There by you, associated with you
Samoan NP.NAA.1 Naa Demonstrative pronoun, plural of lenaa: those
Sikaiana NP.NAA.1 Naa Demonstrative pronoun: that, there, in sight, but on other side of listener. In conversation, a statement recently spoken as part of the present conversation.
Takuu NP.NAA.1 Naa Demonstrative pronoun:that; locative pronoun: there by you
Tuamotu NP.NAA.1 Naa That (as just mentioned, seen, implied, referred to); there (in the vicinity of the person addressed or his abode)
Niue XW.PAGO.2 Pango/taa Prisoner, convict. Slave (McE). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue XW.PAGO.2 Pango/pango/taa Rude. Uncouth (McE).
Samoan XW.PAGO.2 Paago/taa Offender, transgressor, criminal
Niue PN.PAQA-PAQA Paapaa To cook, on the open fire, food wrapped in leaves
Tikopia PN.PAQA-PAQA Paapaa Package of grated vegetables wrapped in leaf....
Niue OC.PAA.3A Paa/takua Rod and hook for fishing bonito
Niue XW.TUKUMITI Taa/tukumiti Sea urchin sp. (white, short spines, in shallow pools on reef)
Nukuoro PN.TAU-WALO Daavalo Make a great deal of noise (vocal)
East Futuna PN.TA-QIA Taaʔia Atteindre, blesser quelqu'un dans son honneur Phonologically Irregular
Samoan PN.TA-QIA Taia Passive of taa: strike, hit
Rennellese PN.TA-QIA Taʔia Passive/transtive of taa: hit, kill; to drift off course, to hit (as the reef)
Nukuoro PN.TA-QIA Daia To daa [hit, strike, beat] completely
Anuta PN.TA-QIA Taia To hit (an embellishment of ta [taa]).
West Uvea PN.TA-QIA Taaia Frapper Phonologically Irregular
Rarotongan PN.TA-QIA Taaʔia Hit, strike (passive) Phonologically Irregular
Takuu PN.TA-QIA Taaia Kill it! Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana PN.TA-QIA Taia Hit, kick (passive of taa)
Niue NP.TOKA-QALA Tokaala Uterus
Niue XW.TUQA.4 Tua/haa Suspicious Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue CP.WASA Tuta/vaaha. Tuta/vaha (Sph). The ocean; out at sea. Horizon of the ocean; out to sea (Sph).
Niue PN.FE-QILO-AKI Feiloaaki To know each other
Tongan PN.FAKA-SAA Fakahaa To cause to appear; to show, disclose, reveal...
Niue PN.FAKA-SAA Fakahaa/haa To hint [give a hint]
East Uvea PN.FAKA-SAA Fakahaa Montrer, faire voir
East Futuna PN.FAKA-SAA Fakasaa Montrer, annoncer
East Futuna PN.FAKA-SAA Fakasaa/saa Rendre compte, montrer, exposer; exposition, concours (de chant ou de danse)
West Uvea PN.FAKA-SAA Fagasaa Apparaitre; montrer
Takuu PN.FAKA-SAA Haka/s/saa Cause something to appear, emerge or show (esp. above water)
Rennellese PN.FAKA-SAA Hakasaa/saa To make protrude; to expose, insert
Niue PN.MALOAQA Faka/maloaa Reluctant, unwilling
Tahitian PN.FAKA-PULU-PULU Haapurupuru To attend and minister to a person
Kapingamarangi PN.FAKA-.4 Haga/uaa To say yes, to nod the head up and down
New Zealand Maori PN.FAKA-.4 Whaka/kaahore Deny, refuse
New Zealand Maori TO.FAKA-TUU Whakatuu raakau Practise with weapons
Tahitian PN.FAKA-HURU Faauru To conduct a vessel into an anchoring-place; pilot
Niue XW.MAALIE.C Maalie Often used in exclamations, such as showing appreciation for very good performances
Samoan XW.MAALIE.C Maalie Interjection "well done" to show approval of dancers; well, agreeable