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90 Results matching "hala" in entry:
Language | Reconstruction | Reflex | Description |
Sikaiana | PN.TALA.4 | Tala | (Thalassius bergii) |
Tahitian | PN.TALA.4 | Tara-papa | Sterne huppée (Thalassius bergii) |
Takuu | PN.TALA.4 | Tara moana | Crested Tern (Thalasseus bergii) |
Tongan | PN.TALA.4 | Tala | Kind of sea-gull (Thalassius bergii) |
East Uvea | PN.TAU-SALA | Tauhala | A contre temps, trop tard |
Tongan | PN.TAU-SALA | Tauhala | Miss mark |
New Zealand Maori | FJ.TOLOA.A | Toroa | Albatross spp. (Diomedea exulans) and (Thalassarche melanophris) |
East Futuna | PN.TUKE.2 | Tuke | Partie frontale du poing (premières phalanges d'un poing fermé) |
Luangiua | PN.FAALOO.A | Halakoo | Stretch Phonologically Irregular |
Niuafo'ou | AN.HALA | Hala | Road Borrowed |
Niuafo'ou | AN.SALA.1 | Hala | Error, wrong |
Tokelau | NP.SUGALE | Hugale | Six-barred Wrasse (Thalassoma hardwickei) |
East Futuna | NP.SUGALE | Sugaale | Poisson: girelle taches d'encre (Thalassoma hardwickei) |
Sikaiana | AN.FUGA.3 | Puna | The frond or blossom of a cutnut tree (tukuhala) Phonologically Irregular |
Niue | TO.MERARI | Meai | Five-striped surge wrasse (Thalassoma quinquevittatum) |
Niue | MP.SALA.3 | Hala | To cut down [ex. leaves] |
Niue | MP.SALA.3 | Hala/hala | To cut down, prune, trim |
Vaeakau-Taumako | NP.TAALAWA | Lakau halava | Crossbeam (of Te Puke canoe) |
Tongan | AN.HALA | Hala. Halla. | Entrance, door-way; road into a plantation or wood. A road or path; a channel into a port. |
Tongan | AN.SALA.1 | Hala. Halla. | An error; to err. To miss, to fail, to blunder; wrong, amiss; a mistake |
East Uvea | PN.GAGAU | Gagau | Mal de tête, migraine, céphalalgie |
Luangiua | NP.MALALI | ʔAlali | Parrot fish (Thalassoma trilobatum) Phonologically Irregular |
Niue | PN.TOKIA | Toki/hala | To repent |
Niue | MP.SALA.3 | Hala/a | To beat, hit, slay (ref. to killing enemies with clubs) |
Vaeakau-Taumako | EO.TUKUFALA | Tuhala, tufala | Cutnut tree |
Sikaiana | EO.TUKUFALA | Tukuhala | A species of edible nut, ‘cutnut’ -- one of the four fruits whose harvest was restricted during the harvest ceremonies {huata}. |
Luangiua | EO.TUKUFALA | Takuhala | Cutnut tree Problematic |
Niue | MP.SALA.3 | Ma/hala | Come apart (of cloth sewn together); be conquered, beaten in a game |
Tongan | MP.SALA.3 | Ma/hala | Slit forcefully, ripped |
Mangareva | NP.OQI.B | Oi/oi | Marcher avec affectation et nonchalance |
Mangareva | PN.LAULAU | Pa/raurau | Embarcation à fond plat, chaland Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Mangareva | MP.URU.2 | Uru/umu | Pincette, échalas pour remuer les cailloux d'un four à terre |
Marquesas | XO.PUKU-LIMA | Puo ííma | Phalange, phalangette Problematic |
Tongan | PN.TAU-SALA | Touhala | To do at the wrong time, etc. |
Tuvalu | FJ.LAPE | Lape | Fish spp.: Parrotfish (Scarus rubroviolaceus), Wrasse (Thalassoma hardwickei), Damselfish (Chromis cyanea) |
Tuvalu | FJ.MASALA | Mahala | Clever |
Tuvalu | FJ.MASALA | Maasala, maahala (N) | To remember |
Tuvalu | AN.SALA.1 | Hala | Wrong, worthy of punishment |
Tuvalu | SO.SA-SALA | Hahala | Search for, find |
Tuvalu | PN.TALA.4 | Tala | (Thalassius bergii) |
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