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219 Results matching "kia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nuguria OC.KIATO Kiato Stabrost, quere Hölzer
Nguna OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom
Niue OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom
Penrhyn OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom
Pukapuka OC.KIATO Kiato Crosspole crossing the two poles to the outrigger
Rapa OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger (? boom) of canoe
Rarotongan OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger arms of a canoe joining the float to the hull fore and aft; a member of an ariki famiuly living on their land
Rennellese OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom
Rotuman OC.KIATO Kiata Joist (of house), outrigger boom Borrowed
Sikaiana OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom
Takuu OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom of a canoe
Tikopia OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom, forming also canoe thwart
Tokelau OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger-boom
Tongan OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom
Tuamotu OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom
West Futuna OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom
West Uvea OC.KIATO Kiato (pirogue) Traverse de balancier
Penrhyn MP.KIE.A Kia Sleeping-mat
Rotuman MP.KIE.A Kiakia Pandanus sp. Problematic
Pukapuka CE.KIISAI Kiai Negative particle, past tense Problematic
Niue PN.SAA.2 Ha To exist, to be (Bib.) (Kia ha... Let there be...)
Takuu NP.LAKIA Lakia, rakia Black Noddy (Anous minutus)
Anuta NP.LAKIA Rakia A type of small bird. White-capped Noddy, Black Noddy
East Uvea NP.LAKIA Lakia (Anous coeuruleus)
Pukapuka NP.LAKIA Lakia White-capped Noddy/Black Noddy (Anous minutus minutus)
Penrhyn NP.LAKIA Rakia Black noddy, white-capped noddy (Anous tenuirostris). Black Noddy (Anous minutus) (McC).
Rarotongan NP.LAKIA Rakia White-capped Noddy (Anous tenuirostris), which is very common in the Northern Group
Tikopia NP.LAKIA Rakia Lesser Noddy (Microanous leucocapillus)
Tokelau NP.LAKIA Lakia (Anous minutus)
Sikaiana NO.LEKIA.* Lekia (Anous tenuirostris)
Marquesas AN.LIHA ʔIa (MQN), kia (MQS) (Atl). Iʔa (MQN) (Lch). Lente. Lentes de poux (Lch). Phonologically Irregular
Mangaia PN.MAGAMAGA-QA-TAI Maʔamaʔatai Big Blue Starfish (Linckia laevigata) and others
Emae OC.MITI.3A Miti/kia Suck through tube or a small hole
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.MITI.3A Mi/msi/kia To taste
Rarotongan OC.MOTU.A Motu-kia v.i., sever, cut open, gashed; stop (of rain)
Tuamotu PN.MUQA-KI Muaakia Thoroughly chewed, masticated (as food pre-chewed for feeding to small children) Borrowed
New Zealand Maori CE.NONO.2* Nono/kia A shrub (Pomaderris apatela) Problematic
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.OFO.B Oho/kia Lucky (accidentally, by chance) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia To cut, to draw blood.
New Zealand Maori PN.OMA.1 Oma-kia Move quickly, run, run for, run over
New Zealand Maori PN.QONO.2 Ono-kia Plant root crops Problematic
Emae AN.PAA.2A Paa/kia Slap
Sikaiana AN.PAA.2A Papa (ppa) (pass. paa/kia) To slap with the hand Phonologically Irregular
Takuu AN.PAA.2A P/paa, paa/kia Strike with the open hand, slap (mosquito etc.), clap (with flat hands)
New Zealand Maori PN.PAA.2B Paa-kia Touch, strike, be struck
West Uvea AN.PAA.2A Paa/kia Gifler (le visage)
Niue PN.PAA.2B Paa/kia To be hurt
East Futuna PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia Harassé, brisé, abattu; blessure, mort; gravement blessé; être répréhensible ; travailler trop, harassant
East Uvea PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia Blessure; esp. de meduse; souffrir, mourir (resp.); faire mal; être fatigué
Niue PN.PAKIA.1 Paakia To be hurt