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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
West Futuna PN.TAMA-RIKI.A Tama rikriki, tama rigrigi Little children
West Futuna PN.KAI-HAQA.A Tam/keia Illegitimate child, bastard
West Futuna PN.TALA.1 Tara/makau Spur of fowl; a strong, brave man
West Futuna MP.QOLOGAA Ta/roŋa A fibre used for twine making; to look for it
West Futuna PN.FATU-TILI Ve(h)jiri. Ta/vajiri (Cpl). Vahjiri (Rve). Thunder; to make a thunderous or rumbling noise; large seed pod dried for making ankle bracelet noise-makers for dance Phonologically Irregular
West Futuna EO.TAFI Tax/tafi/nea (WFU) Of women, to touch food along with the males
West Futuna AN.MATUQA.A To/matua Strong, able
Tokelau PN.QAKA Aka/hi Push one's foot against something; apply pressure with one's heel to the rectum of an injured person to restore lower inner organs to normal position
West Futuna AN.TAQUFUFU Tofufu. Tafufu, ufufu (Cpl). Main or central beam of peaked roof; dirgepole of house; ceiling
West Futuna PN.QULU-MATUQA Uru matua First born (adj). L'ainé (Riv).
West Futuna NP.LOMA.1 Vei/loma/loma Full of water (said of yams)
West Futuna OC.WAHE Ve/ve (amrae) Separate after living together (e.g. married couple)
West Futuna MP.MA-MAFA Xmafa Pregnant
West Futuna NP.MAI.C (H)mai To come (singular subject)
West Futuna AN.MASI.1 X/masi (WFU) Bitter, undrinkable (of water)
Hawaiian PN.FAKA-QATA.B Hoʔoaka Reflection, image, likeness
New Zealand Maori PN.FAKA-QATA.A Whakaata Look at one's reflected image; look or peer into
West Uvea PN.FAKA-QATA.B Fagaata Image
Sikaiana PN.MEO Kai/meo To feel jealous or unfairly treated as when another man is given a gift but one is not
Ifira-Mele NP.SEKE.1D Ee/seke tʔmatagi Sail with the wind
Sikaiana SO.FAKANAVA Hakanava Tree sp. (Sea Trumpet?) used for making house posts, etc.
Tongan PN.MAMAGI Mamangi Shrub sp.; variety of yam (Rabone)
Samoan PN.MAMAGI Mamagi Possibly another name for mamalupe (Faradaya amicorum)
East Futuna SO.MAGI Magi/magi Difforme; être handicapé
Tikopia SO.MAGI Mangi Wasted, from sickness
Samoan SO.MAGI Ma/magi Ulceration of penis
Samoan SO.MAGI Magi/magi/noa Applied to a convalescent from sickness
East Uvea SO.MAGE Mage/mage Sec, desséché
Samoan SO.MAGE Mage/mage Kelara or mechanical feet, a condition in which the feet become pitted owing to walking barefoot on lava, etc. Uncertain Semantic Connection
Kapingamarangi SO.MAGE Manga To turn brown (from eating), to tan in the sun Problematic
Tongan PN.SEI-LALA Heilala (Garcinia sessilis) Small tree, flowers highly esteemed and strung into leis
Fijian PN.SEI-LALA See-lala A seedless mangrove; sterile, of a tree or sow Problematic
Tongan PN.MAAFAQI Mafaʔi Creeper sp. (Luffa cylindrica)
East Futuna PN.MAAFAQI Maafai Liane grimpante très dure (sorte de cornichon sauvage)
Niue PN.MALU.C Malu Protection
Niue PN.MA-PELU Mapelu Bent
Tongan PN.LAU-PATA Loupata Tree sp. (Macaranga harveyana)
Samoan PN.LAU-PATA Laupata The name of a tree (Mallotus roxburghianus)
Takuu ??.TULUMA Turuna, turuma Tubular wooden container for turmeric, sealed at one end and covered with fine plaiting
Austral Islands TA.MATIE Matie Grass spp. (Enchinochloa, Panicum, Thuarea, Eleusine)
Mangaia TA.MATIE Matie Green; hard-stalked grasses and sedges in general (those having softer stalks called mauku)
Tuamotu TA.MATIE Matie A small-bladed, self-spreading variety of grass (Lepturus repens)
Mangaia MP.MAHUKU Mauku Soft-stalked grasses and sedges in general (mostly introduced as fodder grasses); water-grass (purple flower, good for feeding pigs)
Samoan OC.MAKO.3 Maʔo Tree spp. including (Trichospermum richei) and (Melochia odorata)
Tongan MP.KULU-KULU.3 Kulukulu/fa Small tree sp. (Meryta macrophylla). Called kulukulu on 'Eua.
Samoan MP.KULU-KULU.3 Ma/ʔuluʔulu Tree sp. (Meryta macrophylla)
Waya OC.MAKO.3 Mako Tree taxon, Unknown, poss. Trichospermum richii
Tongan PN.TAKAFALU Takafalu Small tree sp. (Micromelum minutum)
Samoan PN.TAKAFALU Tamafalu, talafalu, taʔa mafalu (Micromelum minutum) Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.TAKAFALU Taka(taka)palu Small tree sp. (Micromelum minutum). Possibly also (Allophylus cobbe). Phonologically Irregular