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61298 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Kwara'ae EO.AMI Lami Crustacean roe
Emae EO.AMI Ami To spawn, of crustaceans
Ifira-Mele EO.AMI Ammi Season when crabs are abundant Problematic
Mota EO.AMI Rame/ai Eggs of crawfish, crabs
Mangareva EO.AMI Ami Matière qui se trouve dans certaines écrevisses
Nggela EO.AMI Lami Eggs of crab
Niue EO.AMI Ami Crab roe
Rarotongan EO.AMI Ami Roe or spawn of crustaceans
Rennellese EO.AMI G/ami Egg container on belly of crabs Problematic
Samoan EO.AMI Ami Crab roe and other crustacean roe; penis
Tahitian EO.AMI Ami The spawn of crabs, lobsters, &c.
Takuu EO.AMI Ami Egg cluster of a crayfish or crab; crustacean roe
Tikopia EO.AMI Ami Eggs of crab
Tokelau EO.AMI Ami Crab and lobster eggs
Tongan EO.AMI Ami Crab and lobster roe
East Futuna PN.QAMIO ʔAmio Variable (of direction of motion) , tortueux, en zigzag
East Uvea PN.QAMIO ʔAamio Tortueux, en zigzag
Hawaiian PN.QAMIO Amio Pass in and out
New Zealand Maori PN.QAMIO Amio Roam, go round about, circle round
New Zealand Maori PN.QAMIO Aamio/mio Turn round and round
Moriori PN.QAMIO Amimio Giddy
Moriori PN.QAMIO Pokai/amio Encircle
Marquesas PN.QAMIO Amio Rechercher, poursuivre
Mangareva PN.QAMIO Amio (_matagi) Vent qui vient de tous les cotés, qui souffle par saccades
Rarotongan PN.QAMIO Amio Whirl, turn round rapidly
Samoan PN.QAMIO Aamio/mio Go about
Samoan PN.QAMIO Aamio Conduct, behaviour; habits, ways Problematic
Tahitian PN.QAMIO Amio Unsettled, changeable
Tokelau PN.QAMIO Aamio Manners, ways, actions; behave, conduct oneself Problematic
Tongan PN.QAMIO Fakaʔaa/ʔaamio/ Twisted, wriggle out of something
Tuamotu PN.QAMIO Aamio Contract and expand gently
Fijian AN.AMO.1A Yamo Feel something with hand
Mangareva AN.AMO.1A Amo Wash the body all over rapidly
Niue AN.AMO.1A Amo To touch one thing only (refers to one who concentrates all his care on one thing)
Niue AN.AMO.1A H/amo To apply lightly (e.g. paint)
Niue AN.AMO.1A Amo/hia Be touched; achieve the objective
Niue AN.AMO.1A Amo/amohia To be possessed
Rarotongan AN.AMO.1A Amo Rub or smear on with palm of hand
Rennellese AN.AMO.1A Amo, ama Rub gently, anoint, caress, make smooth
Takuu AN.AMO.1A Aamo/si Rub one's body or body-part; anoint the skin
Tongan AN.AMO.1A Amo Stroke with palm of hand
Waya AN.AMO.1A Amo/ci Stroke or pat lightly
Kapingamarangi PN.AMO.1B Amu Twirl coconut fibre for making sennit
Niue PN.AMO.1B Amu Strip, string (traditionally refers to tiny strips of coconut husks, fou strings, hair, banana bark, and fibre strips or strings from other plants)
Nukuoro PN.AMO.1B Amu Twirl fibres; fibres for making rope or cloth
Pukapuka PN.AMO.1B Amo A rolled strand of sinnet
Rennellese PN.AMO.1B Amo Make smooth, as strands of string
Samoan PN.AMO.1B Amo Separate inner fibres of a coconut midrib from the outer fibres
Takuu PN.AMO.1B Amo Twirl Coconut husk for making sennit
Tokelau PN.AMO.1B Amo Separated and twisted coconut husk fibres for plaiting sinnet