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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Penrhyn NP.FENUQU.A* Henuu Strand of rope or string; strand of pandanus leaf (after splitting)
New Zealand Maori NP.FENUQU.A* Whenu The weft threads in a cloak or plaited mat or basket
Tahitian NP.FENUQU.A* Fenuû The strand of a rope, the twisted cord of a net
Tahitian NP.FENUQU.A* Fenû motu Broken strand or twisted cord
Takuu NP.FENUQU.A* Fenu/i Loose strand inserted into material being plaited
East Uvea NP.FENUA.*A Fenua Terre, pays, contrée
Marquesas NP.FENUA.*A Henua (MQN), fenua (MQS) Terre, globe terrestre; contrée, pays; propriété, domaine. Ile, island (Atl).
Mangareva NP.FENUA.*A ʔEnua Terre, pays
Tahitian NP.FENUA.*A Fenua Pays, terre (opposée à la mer, ou à l’espace); terrain, sol; île haute (opposée à motu, île basse, atoll)
Kapingamarangi NP.FENUA.*C Henua Afterbirth
New Zealand Maori NP.FENUA.*C Whenua Afterbirth
Nukuoro NP.FENUA.*C Henua Afterbirth
Luangiua NP.FENUA.*C ŋuua Afterbirth
Penrhyn NP.FENUA.*C Henua Placenta, afterbirth
Pukapuka NP.FENUA.*C Wenua Afterbirth
Rarotongan NP.FENUA.*C ʔEnua Afterbirth
Rennellese NP.FENUA.*C Henua Afterbirth
Tuamotu NP.FENUA.*C Henuua Afterbirth
Tahitian PN.FEO Feo Coraux morts, pointus et coupants qui se trouvent sur le récif ou à l’intérieur des terres
Tahitian PN.FEO Feo A species of coral that irritates the skin when touched
West Uvea PN.FEO Feo/feo Corail; chaux; lime pour affuter
East Uvea PN.FESI.1 Fesi Tree from which tapa-cloth beaters made. Probably Intsia bijuga
Hawaiian FJ.FESI.2 Hehi Loathe, repudiate, deny, desecrate
Samoan FJ.FESI.2 Ve/vesi/ Be disturbed, confused, disoriented
Tokelau FJ.FESI.2 Ve/vehi/ Be confused, disturbed, in disorder; be fussy, excited Problematic
Tuamotu FJ.FESI.2 Vehi Terrible, awe-inspiring, imposing
East Uvea PN.FE-SIQI Fehiʔi Jaillir. Grated coconut from which cream has been expressed
Tongan PN.FE-SIQI Fehiʔi Burst out, as toothpaste from a tube
East Futuna MP.FETAQU Fetaʔu Sorte de tamanou de bord de mer à petites feuilles (Calophyllum sp.)
East Uvea PN.FETE.1 Fete/fete Avoir la chair de poule; raboteux, couver de boutons
East Futuna PN.FETE.1 Fete/fete Roboteux, boutonné; tomber en chair de poule, soit par frayeur, soit par surprise
New Zealand Maori PN.FETE.1 Whetee Be forced out (as pus from a boil), as eyes in the puukana Problematic
Marquesas PN.FETE.1 Hete Gonflé, fermenté, énglé
Pukapuka PN.FETE.1 Wetee Bulging
Samoan PN.FETE.1 Fe/fete/ Expand, rise, swell, puff up (as dough; turkey throat)
Tikopia PN.FETE.1 Fetefete Rugged, rough-surfaced (e.g.bark of a tree)
Tokelau PN.FETE.1 Fefete Baking powder, yeast
Tongan PN.FETE.1 Fete Be a lump
Tongan PN.FETE.1 Fete/fete Lumpy
New Zealand Maori CE.FETE.2 Whete/whete Whisper, murmur
Mangareva CE.FETE.2 Ete Avoir peur, être affrayé
Pukapuka OC.FAANAKO Winako Brazen in making advances towards opposite sex Problematic
Kapingamarangi MP.HAGAFULU Dil/ongoholu Ten (people)
Marquesas AN.FETUQU Hetuu (MQN), fetuu (MQS). Hetu(u) (MQN), fetu(u) (MQS) (Atl). Etoile, astre, constellation. Star (Mtu).
Rennellese AN.FETUQU Hetuʔu Star, constellation
Tikopia AN.FETUQU Fetuu Star, constellation
Moriori CP.FIA- K/hia tangiti Wanted to cry
East Futuna PN.FIA-FIA Fiafia Se rejour, etre content, joie
East Uvea PN.FIA-FIA Fiafia Joyeux, content, gai
Tuamotu PN.FIA-FIA Hakehiehie To be elated Problematic