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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tokelau AN.QAHAWA-NA Aava Respect, politeness, honour
Anuta NP.QAO-ATEA Avatea Midday Problematic
Easter Island NP.QAO-ATEA ʔOotea Dawn, morning, morrow
Ifira-Mele NP.QAO-ATEA T/ootea Mid-day
Marquesas NP.QAO-ATEA Oatea Jour, grand jour
Niue NP.QAO-ATEA Aho-tea Broad or full daylight Problematic
Niue NP.QAO-ATEA A(h)otea Broad daylight Problematic
Nuguria NP.QAO-ATEA Hetua-atea Star (morning)
Rennellese NP.QAO-ATEA ʔAoʔatea Early afternoon
Samoan NP.QAO-ATEA Aoatea Midday
Tikopia NP.QAO-ATEA Aoatea, o(v)atea Midday; (early) afternoon (older form)
Tikopia NP.QAO-ATEA Avatea Midday (modern form)
Tikopia NP.QAO-ATEA Faka/oatea "Nooning", technical term for gift of food from household of mother' s lineage to household of father' s lineage in celebration of childbirth, initiation, etc. "noonday rite"
West Uvea NP.QAO-ATEA Aotea Midi
West Futuna NP.QAO-ATEA T/aotea Noon, afternoon
Penrhyn OC.QAHU.1 Au Bitter bladder (of tridacna shell)
Takuu AN.QAHU.2 Au Smoke; steam in a cloud rather than a column
Kapingamarangi OC.AI.1 Ai Predicate complement
Marquesas OC.AI.1 Ai Particle marking anaphor of an oblique case. Particule qui renvoie à un lieu ou un temps évoqué auparavant: où, là où
Tahitian OC.AI.1 Ai (aprè les formes verbales) Indique qu'un terme qui précède...précise la cause ou les circonstances de l'action
Tikopia OC.AI.1 Ai Marker of finality, definiteness
Marquesas PN.QAI.1 Av/ai Laisser, ne pas prendre, reserver, rester. Leave (Mtu). Problematic
Mangareva MQ.AKU-AKU Akuaku Mince, svelte, fluet (personne)
Mono-Alu MP.QAI.2 Ai/ti Copulate, violate (Boch 1952)
Easter Island MP.QAI.2 Ai Coition, coitus, copulation, sexual intercourse
Fijian MP.QAI.2 Cai/tia Have sexual intercourse with [Lau Dialect]
New Zealand Maori MP.QAI.2 Ai-tia Copulate with, fuck
Rarotongan MP.QAI.2 A/ai/ Copulate
Rennellese MP.QAI.2 ʔEi Copulate
Tahitian MP.QAI.2 Ai Copulate, applied to both sexes
Tuamotu MP.QAI.2 Ai Copulate
East Futuna NP.QAA-I-LAA-NEI Ailanei Aujourd'hui (locatif temporal, optional i)
East Uvea PN.QANA-NEI Neinei Juste
Samoan NP.QAA-I-LAA-NEI Naanei Presently; later on, afterwards
Tokelau NP.QAA-I-LAA-NEI Naanei Sometime later today (generally in the afternoon or evening)
East Uvea PN.QANA-NEI ʔAnanai Il y a un instant, il n'y a pas longtemps, tout à l'heure
Tongan PN.QANA-NEI ʔAnenai A short time ago, earlier today; or earlier in the present speech, letter, etc.
Marquesas PN.QANA-NEI Anenei Actuellement, présentement, maintenant
Nuguria AN.QAITU Aitu Gott, göttlich verehrte Seele
Nuguria AN.QAITU Te/n/aitu/ Alle Götter zusammen
Tahitian AN.AKA.A Aʔa Racine (des plantes); infrabase fibreuse à la naissance des palmes de cocotier
Takuu AN.AKA.A Aka Lateral root of a tree or plant
Takuu SO.KAVEI Kavei Name of a constellation
Rennellese RO.AKA.B Aka A bush vine (Pueraria triloba) with long roots, eaten in times of shortage
Tongan RO.AKA.B Aka Kind of leguminous creeper whose root is eaten when better food is scarce. (Pueraria lobata) (Whr).
Emae PN.QAKA Aka/sia Step on
Takuu PN.QAKA Aaka/si Kick something with the sole of the foot; (of leg) kick out; extend in kicking motion
Tahitian PN.AKE.A Ae The name of a sweet-scented plant, used for the sweet monoi or native oil
Hawaiian MQ.AKE.B Aʔe/aʔe Banana variety with green and white striped fruit and leaves
Tongan CE.AKI Aaki/vao Devastate, plunder and lay waste Problematic