Protoform: QAHAWA-NA [AN] Marry; elope; spouse

Description: Marry; elope; spouse
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to AN: Austronesian

*0 >> NP *qaawaga
*4 POC *qasawa "spouse" (LPO VI:125).
*5 PMP *qasawa "spouse: husband, wife" (ACD).
*6 PAN *qasa:wa (Zrc. 1990).

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Uvea ʔOhoana Époux, épouse, conjoint; se marier Borrowed (Rch)
Mangareva Aʔana Mari. Spouse, husband or wife (Tgr). Phonologically Irregular (Rch)
Marquesas ʔAhana (MQS), vahana (MQN). Vaahana (Mtu). Mari, époux, homme, mâle. Husband. Phonologically Irregular (Dln)
Marquesas Hahána. Vàhána (NKH). The male of mankind and of all birds. A husband. (Crk)
Niue Hoana Wife; to marry (Sph)
Rennellese ʔAaba/ki Participate, join, help; helper, assistant, spouse (Ebt)
Samoan Aavaa Wife (Prt)
Samoan Aava Respect, honour (Prt)
Samoan Ava The wife of a common man (Prt)
Tokelau Aava Respect, politeness, honour (Sma)
Tokelau Avaa- Prefix meaning "two together" (Sma)
Tongan ʔOhoana Spouse, husband, wife. An old word (Cwd)
Tongan Ohana A husband or wife, a spouse, a married person; to marry (Mar)
Tuvalu Aava Polite, respectful ; honour, respect (Rby)
West Uvea Ava- Epoux, épouse (ava-ku, ava-u, ava-na) (Hmn)

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