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982 Results matching "utu" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
New Zealand Maori PN.GUTU-KAO Ngutukao (Isurus glaucus) Mako shark
Rennellese PN.GUTU-KAO Ngutukao A kind of porpoise said to have a longer snout than the samono
Tongan PN.GUTU-KAO Ngutukao Fish sp
Tuamotu PN.GUTU-KAO ŋutukao (Lamna cornubica) Tiger Shark
East Futuna XW.GUTU-LEI Gutulei (Sula spp.)
East Uvea XW.GUTU-LEI Gutulei Fou du Pacifique (Sula sp.)
Tongan XW.GUTU-LEI Ngutulei A kind of sea-bird
Nukuoro AN.FUTU Kava-hutu The Barringtonia tree
Tahitian AN.HAU Au Couture, coudre
Easter Island PN.HURU.B Uru/ŋa Visión de cosas futuras, segunda vista
Tongan PN.SALUFE Hulufe General name for ferns, most commonly applied to Nephrolepis hirsutula, indigenous sword fern
Anuta PN.KA.1 Ka Future verb aspect marker
East Uvea PN.KA.1 Ka Future (of some verbs in subordinate clauses)
Emae PN.KA.1 Ka Verbal particle, subordinate (usually relative) non-future . Future
Mangareva PN.KA.1 Ka Imperative, future. Particule qui marque l'impératif; particule qui précède les nombres cardinaux, faisant référence à l'état actuel
Niue PN.KA.1 Ka Particle of immediate future
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.KA.1 Ka Particle signifying immediate and/or certain future
Pukapuka PN.KA.1 Ka Tense marker usually indicating future action or action about to begin . Verbal particle; sign of the future tense or of present action continuing into the future
Rarotongan PN.KA.1 Ka(a) Inceptive aspect: future; imperative
Rennellese PN.KA.1 Ka(a) Future verb aspect marker
Samoan PN.KA.1 ʔA Future verb aspect marker
Sikaiana PN.KA.1 Ka Tense-aspect marker, future inceptive
Tikopia PN.KA.1 Ka Future: shall, will, about to
Tokelau PN.KA.1 Ka Future, esp. immediate future
Tongan PN.KA.1 Ka Future tense marker in certain subordinate clauses
West Futuna PN.KA.1 Ka Prefix of futurity, indef. or inceptive
Penrhyn TA.KARAKIA Karakia Individual noted for prophetic powers ; man of knowledge who can see into the future
Kapingamarangi PN.KALU.B Galu Sputum, mucus
Nukuoro PN.KALU.B Galu Viscous sputum
East Uvea XW.KA-PAU Kapau Si (pour le présent et futur)
Tahitian MP.KATA.2 ʔAta Tige de l’igname, de la vanille, du manioc, de la patate; bouture de ces plantes ou du taro
Pukapuka EC.KAU-GUTU Kaungutu Bow of canoe [in chants]
Samoan EC.KAU-GUTU ʔAugutu/ava The sides of an opening through the coral reef
Samoan EC.KAU-GUTU ʔAugutu/vaʔa The top sides of a canoe
Takuu EC.KAU-GUTU Kaunutu Edge (of mat, etc.), selvedge (of cloth on a loom)
Tokelau EC.KAU-GUTU Kaugutu (Of cup, bowl, well, etc.) Brim, top edge, rim
New Zealand Maori CE.KAUTUKU.* Kautuku Bittern (Botaurus poeciloptilus)
Niue PN.QAA-.2 Aa At, in (of future time)
East Futuna PN.KELE-MUTU Kelemutu Verre de terre
East Uvea PN.KELE-MUTU Kelemutu Verre de terre
Emae PN.KELE-MUTU Keremutu Earthworm
Niue PN.KELE-MUTU Kelemutu Earthworm
Rotuman PN.KELE-MUTU Kermutu Earthworm Borrowed
Samoan PN.KELE-MUTU ʔElemutu Grub in rotten wood
Tikopia PN.KELE-MUTU Kalemutu Grub which attacks taro corm Problematic
Tokelau PN.KELE-MUTU Kelemutu Earthworm
Tongan PN.KELE-MUTU Kelemutu Earthworm
Niue OC.LAGO.2 Lago vaka, lago tutua Supporting beams for a canoe when stored on land
Tongan EO.KI-KITE Kikite Have the power of seeing into the future; make predictions, prophesy
Rapa AN.KILI.1 Kiri/nutu (-ngutu?) Palate