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16732 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Niue PN.SEGI.A Ma/hegi/hegi Twilight; indistinct
East Futuna FJ.KALIA Kalia Double pirogue; catamaran
Fijian FJ.LUFA Luvaluva Old sinnet or mats which have been used
Fijian PN.MA-TALA.B Macala Clear, plain, intelligible
Tongan PN.PANI.4 Paa/pani To maraud, pillage, plunder, forage
West Uvea PN.PANI.4 Pani/pani Cadeaux dus aux oncles maternels (mort et mariage) Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Uvea PN.PANI.4 Paa/pani Piller des vivres, marauder en temps de guerre
East Uvea PN.PENA.1B Pena Peindre, badigeonner, embellir [exx. tête, maison]; peinture, toute substance destinée à être appliquée en badigeonnage, mortier de chaux et de sable;
Tongan XW.FASU Fahu (Man's) sister's son or grandson
Tongan PN.MASA-IA Mahaia To be left stranded by the outgoing tide (e.g. fish or dolphin); to be no longer floating, to run aground (of a boat or canoe approaching the shore)
Niue PN.MALE Male Cough
Niue PN.UKA.C Mata/uka Stubborn, obstinate
Niue CE.KANA.2 Mata/ka/kana Leering, lascivious looking; lustful. To look over something very thoroughly (with a mischievous purpose) (Sph). Problematic
Niue PN.KEU.1 Mata/keu Cross-eyed
Niue MP.PAKU.A Mata/paku Beginning to heal up (of wounds)
Niue MP.PAKU.D Mata/paku A scab, pimple
Niue EO.POKO.1 Mata/poko Blind (disrespectful term)
Niue AN.PULA.2A Mata/pula Pearl (in eye)
Niue PN.FAI-TAMA Faitama To have a child
Niue PN.MULU.1 Kai/mulu To harvest prematurely; to deplete; to harvest (steal) someone else's crops. Greedy (Lws).
Nukumanu PN.KELE.B Manava k/kere Envious, jealous
Niue MP.KEMO Kemo/kemo To blink; to make signs with the eyes
Niue PN.LAMA.1 Lama/kai To be mean, stingy Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue PN.MAGA-MAGA.A Magamaga Complex
Niue CP.SEU Ma/heu/heu Dishevelled
Niue CP.MAA-TAU Matau/tau Clever at work
Niue CP.SILA.1A Mata/hela Cross-eyed
Niue PN.KIWI.2 Mata/kivi Blind (abusive)
Niue CE.MATA-POOURI Matapoouli Blind one, the blind
Niue PN.TUQU-TAGA Faka/tutaga/maalie Half
Niue PN.MASA-IA Mahaia Aground (of fish)
Takuu PN.MASA-IA Masaria Adversely sffected by the tide being shallow Phonologically Irregular
Nukuoro PN.MASA-IA Masaia Trapped by low water (e.g. canoes, or fish on the reef at low tide)
East Futuna XW.MATE-GUUGUU Mate guuguu Etre engourdi
East Uvea XW.MATE-GUUGUU Mateguuguu Engourdi, paralysé
Tongan XW.MATE-GUUGUU Mate-nguunguu To be tired out and moaning or groaning with exhaustion; also said of one's hand or arm when stiff or insensate after being lain on or anaesthetized
Niue XW.MATE-GUUGUU Mateguuguu To be physically tired, exhausted, weary
Niue XW.MAALIE.C Malie Exclamation showing pleasure at fine singing or dancing (Samoan)
Niue OC.HULI.1 Uli/hega Round scad (Decapterus macrosoma). Herring (McE). Phonologically Irregular
Niue XW.VILI.2 Vili To vote, to cast lots; to elect to make a special visit
Niue PN.TE-QA Ha Genitive case marker with plural pronouns
Tikopia PN.HUI-MATUQA Te ivi matua Backbone
Kapingamarangi PN.HUI-MATUQA Iwi madua Spine, backbone
Samoan OC.SIKA.2 Siʔa/ga Apparatus (for making fire by friction) as a whole; piece of soft wood, as opposed to natu
East Uvea PN.WASA-QA Vaahaʔa Intervalle de temps ou d'espace; semaine
East Futuna PN.WASA-QA Vasaʔa Semaine; entente; voisin
Marquesas PN.LAMA.1 ʔA/ʔama Epier, espionner, guetter, faire sentinelle; garder, défendre, protéger, veiller à la sûreté de quelqu'un; visiter, examiner, explorer.
Marquesas AN.LAQE.A ʔAe Front; cap; seuil de la porte d'une maison
Marquesas MP.QAFI Afi/a Avoir soin de quelqu'un, veiller à ce qu'il ne manque de rien
Mangareva PN.MAASOLI Maori Esp. de banane Phonologically Irregular