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61303 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Hawaiian AN.QANUFE ʔAnuhe Caterpillar
Lau AN.QANUFE Safila Centipede Problematic
New Zealand Maori AN.QANUFE Anuhe Caterpillar
Nuguria AN.QANUFE Anohe Caterpillar Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn AN.QANUFE Anuhe Caterpillar
Rapa AN.QANUFE K/anuae A white caterpillar Phonologically Irregular
Rarotongan AN.QANUFE Anuʔe Caterpillar
Rotuman AN.QANUFE Aniha Caterpillar, maggot
Sa'a AN.QANUFE Äluhe Centipede
Samoan AN.QANUFE Anufe Caterpillar. Worms, including intestinal worms (McP).
Hawaiian PN.SALUFE Uluhe, unuhe False staghorn fern (Dicranopteris, Hicriopteris, Sticherus)
Tuamotu AN.QANUFE Anuhe Caterpillar
New Zealand Maori CP.AO.1 Ao Scoop up in both hands
Marquesas CP.AO.1 Ao Ramasser soit avec la main, soit avec un filet au bout d'une perche
Niue CP.AO.1 Ao/ao Pick up rubbish, sweep up with hands
Rennellese CP.AO.1 Ao Tie or bind tightly (as hair); be close together (as coconut palms); be narrow Problematic
Rotuman CP.AO.1 Ao/aki Search with hands, groping Borrowed
Takuu CP.AO.1 Ao Gather up small items (rice or sand) from a flat surface; scoop up
Tikopia CP.AO.1 Ao/ao Collect, as by brushing up
West Uvea CP.AO.1 Ao(fia) Ramasser en une poignée, dans le creux de la main ou dans les deux mains jointes
Kapingamarangi NP.AO.2 Aa Coconut with less meat than expected
Nukuoro NP.AO.2 Ao/a Misshapen fruit.
Penrhyn NP.AO.2 Aao/a Undergrown and malformed coconut fruit that has no inner shell and contains neither flesh nor water Problematic
Rennellese NP.AO.2 Ao Ivory Nut; narrow.
Sikaiana NP.AO.2 Ao A fruit with no flesh inside. A green coconut that does not have any water inside; (fig.) a child that does not grow very well (Dnr).
Takuu NP.AO.2 Aa/moko Early stage of coconut growth: small, some elongated, with no liquid inside; [of coconut] deformed with no meat or water
Tokelau NP.AO.2 Ao Grossly malformed coconut with no juice or meat
Tokelau SO.UMU Umu Yellow-head Triggerfish (Balistoides viridescens)
Kapingamarangi SO.UMU Imu Fish sp.
Nukuoro SO.UMU Imu/mea, imu/uli Triggerfish spp.
Samoan PN.MO-QI Moʔi/moʔi Small
Pukapuka PN.AO.3 Ao Lashing used to tighten other lashings
Rennellese PN.AO.3 Ao Tie or bind tightly, as hair
Takuu PN.AO.3 Ao Wind around (in tying certain type of knot); grasp in an embrace
Tongan PN.AO.3 Ao A turban, especially one worn in war for protection, or by a champion as a symbol of his chamionship
Tongan PN.AO.3 Aoao To bind round and round
Tahitian EP.AO.4 Te ao nei The present world, the present state of existence
Tahitian EP.AO.4 Te ao nei Le monde ici-bas
Mangareva OC.QAO.1 Ao Cloud, mist
Niue OC.QAO.1 Ao/lagi Cloud (extensive cloud cover)
Penrhyn OC.QAO.1 Oo Cloud, white cloud
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.QAO.1 Te/au Cloud, mist
Tahitian OC.QAO.1 Ao Bright clouds of the sky. Nuage, nuée (Jsn).
Tikopia OC.QAO.1 Ao Cloud generally, but especially cumulus
Tuamotu OC.QAO.1 Ao Gleaming cloud (Obs.)
Easter Island NP.QAO.2 ʔAo Authority, kingdom, domain. To rule, govern (Wbr).
Niue NP.QAO.3 H/ao To fit Problematic
Niue PN.OLO.2 Ha/olo To resound, to be harmonious Problematic
Mangareva NP.QAO.2 Ao Pouvoir, autorité, règne, période
Pukapuka NP.QAO.2 Ao Heir to a position