Lau entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.A A Personal article used with the names of males only (Ivs)
AN.QAHO Hato Sun (Ivs)
AN.QAHU.2 Hasu Smoke (of fire) (Fox)
MP.QALILI Halili Shellfish (Ivs)
EO.AMI Lame Eggs of crab (Fox)
AN.ANE.A Sane White-ant (Fox)
NP.QANU.1 Anu To shake (Ivs)
AN.QANUFE Safila Centipede Problematic (Fox)
AN.ASA.1 S/ata Rub, rub down, sharpen by rubbing (Fox)
OC.QATU.1 S/au Bonito (Fox)
MP.QAWA ʔAkwa A fish (Fox)
MP.QAWA Hakwa Milkfish (Ami)
AN.FAA.1 Fa/i Four (Ivs)
AN.FAFA.1 Fafa Carry a person on one's back (Ivs)
AN.FAFA.2 Faafaa Open mouth wide (Ivs)
AN.FAFO I/fafo Above (Fox)
AN.FAFO Fafo Above, over (Ivs)
AN.FAI.1 Fali Stingray. General term for rays (Akm). (Ivs)
AN.FANA.1 Fa(fa)na Shoot with a bow (Ivs)
AN.FANUA.A Fanua Land (Ivs)
AN.FATU.2A Fou Rock, stone (Ivs)
NP.FATU.2B Fou Heart Problematic (Ivs)
EO.FELO.1 Felo Bleached (of the skin) (Ivs)
AN.FIHA.A Fita How many? (Ivs)
AN.FILI.1 Fili(fili) Choose, pick (Ivs)
MP.FIRI.1 Firi Tie, twist (Ivs)
MP.FOHE Fote Paddle (Ivs)
EO.FOKI.1 Foi Return (Fox)
OC.FONO.1A Fono Shut (Fox)
AN.FONU.2 Fonu Turtle (Ivs)
EO.FOTU.3A Oto Pierce, jab (Ivs)
EO.FAQU-LUA Foorua Outrigger canoe; boat (Fox)
MP.FUQU Fuu Stock, root, origin Problematic (Ivs)
AN.FUA.3A Fua Fruit, nut (Ivs)
OC.FUGAO Fungo Sibling-in-law, relative by marriage (Ivs)
OC.FUGAO Geni fungao Daughter-in-law; the wife of the main chief (Ivs)
OC.FULA.1 Fura Rotten, of flesh; mildewed; to be leprous (Ivs)
AN.FUTU Fuu A tree (Barringtonia) (Ivs)
OC.GATA.1A Ngwaa Maggot, worm, snake (Ivs)
PN.HUQA Lua The flood tide. (Tidal) flux (AKm). (Ivs)
PN.KAKALA-LUU (Ka)karu A crab Problematic (Ivs)
EO.KALISI.1A Kurafe Large lizard with smooth, shining body Problematic (Fox)
PN.KAO-KAO Gagaro Ribs, side of a person (Fox)
PN.KAO-KAO Karao Ribs, large bones of fish (Fox)
EO.KAU.1 Garu Swim with trudgeon stroke, arms out of the water (Fox)
OC.KELI ʔEli Dig (Ivs)
OC.KINI.1 Gini/gini To pinch off with the nails (Ivs)
OC.KINI.1 ʔIni(ʔini) Pinch, pinch off, pick (Ivs)
PN.KORA.1 Gora, gore ʔai Chips of wood Problematic (Ivs)
AN.IKA.A Iʔa Fish and sea-creatures (Fox)

118 entries found