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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Uvea PN.RAGI Lagi/aki Chef temporaire, celui qui exerce les fonctions du chef de village pendant son absence; commander, coordonner, ordonner, diriger, prescrire
Samoan PN.RAGI Lagi To call out the different portions of food at a feast, and for whom intended
Takuu PN.RAGI Lani/tia Receive something when things are divided or distributed; not be left out, be included in a group
Tahitian PN.MAFA-TIA Mahatea To be weary of a thing Problematic
Rennellese PN.MAFA-TIA Mahatia To be weighted down
Tikopia XW.MATINI Matini Flag, pennant; barkcloth streamer (?for *noa*, ritual streamer of barkcloth or leaf marker, as memorial decoration, temple offering, or taboo sign) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan PN.MAA-UNU Maʔunu Tomber à travers un panier, par les fentes d'un plancher
Tongan PN.MAQI Meʔi/te Honorific for *na'a*: (of children) stop crying.
Tongan PN.MAQI Mei/te Ne fais pas, cesse
East Uvea PN.MAQI Mai/te, mai/ne (obs.) Gardez-vous de, ne faites pas, cessez
East Uvea XW.MATI.2 Masi/masi (obs.) Vieux, fané, flétri; (coco) cueilli depuis longtemps
Samoan XW.MATI.2 Mati Stale, as water that has been left for some time, or coconuts picked some days before; also of *'ava*
Nukuoro XW.MATI.2 Madi To add organic material to the taro bog Problematic
East Uvea MP.MALUU.A Maaluu Etre adouci, rendu tendre, doux, mou
East Uvea OC.MANUKA.1 Manuka(nuka) (obs.) Maladie, plaie; périr, mourir, détruire, être détruit (terme respectueux, en parlant du Roi, de sa maison, d'une église)
Tongan MP.MURI.1A Mui/a To follow up, follow after, pursue; to remember (a promise)
East Futuna PN.NAO Nao/nao Sorte de pêche improvisée à la main effectuée par les femmes
East Uvea PN.QARO.B ʔAo/ʔao Surface intérieur; revêtement interne. Borrowed
East Futuna AN.QARO.A ʔAlo/ʔalo Versant de la montagne côté mer (locatif); élévation (montagne ou colline) juste après le coin cuisine
Tongan PN.QOPO ʔOpo/tanga Several layers of beaten paper-mulberry bark (*tutu*) laid together for further beating (in the process of making tapa cloth).
East Uvea FJ.OLO.1 ʔOlo Pente douce Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea FJ.OLO.1 ʔOlo/ʔolo (obs.) Pente, descente sur le bord de la mer Phonologically Irregular
Tongan XW.SEPO.B Sepo K. stew, like thin porridge, made from pawpaw, pumpkin, or *kivi*. Soupe d'*olesi* (pawpaw) (Btn).. Borrowed
East Futuna XW.SEPO.B Sepo Mets futunien à base de papayes mûres cuite dans du lait de coco
East Uvea FJ.SOSAQA Hohaʔa/si Inquiéter, tourmenter
Tokelau OC.TOHO.A Toohina Be attracted, be drawn
Sikaiana OC.TOHO.A Too/too Straighten bones using traditional methods Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Uvea PN.TOKO-RUA Tokolua Frère, soeur, cousin, cousine; employé pour le sexe opposé (c.a.d. un frère emploie le terme *tokolua* pour sa soeur et vice versa...); compagne, aide, associé. Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan TO.TIQI Toe(toe) siʔi To remain or be left to a small extent. Rester peu (Btn).
Tongan PN.TAQU.2B Toʔu tangata Generation (of human beings, or of men as distinguished from women); persons of about the same age. Contemporain (Btn).
East Uvea XW.TUQA-NIA Tuʔania Redouter, appréhender, craindre une chose
East Futuna PN.TULEKI-NA Tuuleki-na Rejeter à...faire accepter. Prendre pour soi, accepter pour soi faute de mieux, faute d'autre Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rennellese SO.VAE-LUA-A-POO Baguaapoo Late night, as between 12 and one; according to some, before midnight.
Samoan PN.TUQU-GA.2 Tuuga A portion beyond the appointed share of food or property; a privilege which some are allowed to ask for; the acquisition of all the great titles. Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Uvea MP.URU.2 Ulu te ʔumu Préparer le *'umu*, disposer les pierres brulantes d'un four pour y mettre les vivres.
Tongan PN.QUGOGO ʔUngongo K. insect: the carpenter bee. Vers dans le bois (Btn).
East Futuna PN.QUGOGO ʔUgogo Termite (petit ver noir qui ronge le bois)
East Uvea PN.HUU.1 Hu/hu/i (obs.) Interroger, questionner, demander Borrowed
Marquesas PN.PUNI.1A Puni/puni Un tres grand nombre, en tres grande quantite Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Futuna OC.SAAKULE Saakune (i) Fureter, fouiller, chercher dans un contentant Phonologically Irregular
Ifira-Mele MP.MUU.2 Guu/guu Fresh-water fish sp. Problematic
Ifira-Mele NP.LALA.2 Rraa/ia Scatter (of a school of fish)
Samoan XW.KALE.2 ʔA/ʔale Do something with undue haste, without proper consideration
New Zealand Maori CE.REI-GAA Te Reinga Place name. The point from which dead spirits leaped down to the underworld
Tongan PN.MAA-HINA Maahine/hina To show up white, to present a white appearance
Rarotongan PN.HOGAHOGA.B ʔOngoʔongo Angry and upset, vexed, nettled, stung (with rage); bitter (of feelings)
New Zealand Maori PN.HOGAHOGA.B Ongaonga To tingle, as the ears; repulsion, distaste
New Zealand Maori PN.HOGAHOGA.B Whata/ongaonga Annoy, pain (vt); goad, excite
Ifira-Mele MP.QALOGO Teerogo Surgeonfish sp. (Acanthurus lineatus)
Emae SO.UMU Umu Triggerfish (Balistes spp.)