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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Uvea MP.FUA.1B Fua Porter sur les epaules
West Uvea MP.FUA.1B Hua Porte sur Problematic
Anuta FJ.FUA-.2 Pua Numeral particle indicating tens (with numbers 2-9, pua N = 10 X N)
Fijian FJ.FUA-.2 I/vua Ten fish
Nukuoro FJ.FUA-.2 Hua Numeral classifier, by tens, for fruit
Samoan FJ.FUA-.2 Fua Preposed particle used with numerals to indicate ten times
Tikopia FJ.FUA-.2 Fua- Numerical classifier, marking ten or hundred, in tally of many kinds of small objects, such as nuts
Anuta AN.FUA.3A Pua Fruit. Often used specifically to denote betel nut; any plant that bears a fruit; to fruit; one's child (Fbg)
Marquesas AN.FUA.3A Hua To fruit. Pousser des fleurs, porter des fruits. Fructifier (Atl).
Nuguria AN.FUA.3A Te hua te rakau Blüte
West Uvea AN.FUA.3A Fua Fruit; porter des fruits/graines
Easter Island EC.FUA.3B Hua Testicles. Penis (Wbr).
Hawaiian EC.FUA.3B Hua Testicles
Ifira-Mele EC.FUA.3B Fua Testicle
Marquesas EC.FUA.3B Hua/hua Testicules
Luangiua EC.FUA.3B U/hua Testicles
Pukapuka EC.FUA.3B Wua/amoko Testicle
Rarotongan EC.FUA.3B ʔUa Testicle
Samoan EC.FUA.3B Fua/a/manava Testicles
Sikaiana EC.FUA.3B Hua Testicle
Tahitian EC.FUA.3B Hua Vulve, testicules
Easter Island EP.FUA.3C O/hua First night after the first quarter of the moon
Hawaiian EP.FUA.3C Hua Name of the thirteenth night of the lunar month
New Zealand Maori EP.FUA.3C Oo/hua Fourteenth night of the moon
Mangareva EP.FUA.3C O/uʔa (oʔua) (Laval), ʔua (Buck) Twelfth night of the moon (Laval), fourteenth night (Buck).
Tuamotu EP.FUA.3C Hua Full moon. Nineteenth day of the lunar cycle. Night of the moon between 10th and 13th (Aud).
Kapingamarangi PN.FUA.3D Fua Intestine of Tridacna clam
Niue PN.FUA.5A Fua Completely Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Uvea PN.FUAFUA.2A Fuafua Sorte de boutons qui demangent
Rarotongan NP.FUAAGA ʔUaanga Progeny, descendants, one or those who has or have descended from a common ancestor; collaterals of a family; issue or children or descendants of any one person
Tikopia NP.FUAAGA Fuaanga Ancestors of maternal patrilineage
Pukapuka CP.FUQAGA Wuanga Archaic word associated with sharpening
West Uvea CP.FUQAGA Fuanga Meule (en pierre); rocher utilisé pour aiguiser les couteaux
East Futuna SO.FUQAIKA Fuʔa-ika Carangue (terme générale)
Sikaiana SO.FUA-QI-TINO Huaitino Body of an animate being; trunk of a tree
Samoan PN.FAKA-POI Faʔapoi To threaten to strike, to raise the hand in a threatening manner
East Futuna FJ.FUATA.2 Fuata Recolte de fruits a pain
Rennellese CO.FUATAGA.1 Hua taga /qeha A kind of song sung in temples during kanogoto rituals Phonologically Irregular
Samoan SO.FUA-TAGA.2 Fuataga Quantity of sugarcane leaves collected by one person
Hawaiian NP.FUE.1B Hue Gourd, water calabash, any narrow-necked vessel for holding water
Marquesas NP.FUE.1B Hue Gourde, bouteille, calebasse. Toute espèce de vase à large ouverture (Lch).
Mangareva NP.FUE.1B ʔUe Plante: Lagenaria siceraria (Cucurbitacées); calebasse
Tahitian NP.FUE.1B Hue Calebasse; coloquinte qui produit ces calebasses (Lagenaria vulgaris, L. ciceraria)
Pukapuka PN.FUE.2 Uwe/uwe Insect swatter made from coconut frond
Mangareva CE.FUA-TUU ʔUatu Sorte de banane qu'on ne peut manger que cuite
Tikopia CE.FUA-TUU Futtu Mountain Banana (Musa sp.); short, stubby fruits upstanding on stem Problematic
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TOKO.1C Toko/ia Watch, observe, look, look after Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island AN.FUFU.1 Huhu Worm-eaten
Hawaiian AN.FUFU.1 Huhu Wood-boring insect, worm-eaten
Marquesas AN.FUFU.1 Huhu White wood-eating worm. Ver qui ronge le bois; termite; poussière du bois résidu de l'érosion (Lch).