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61303 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nukuoro PN.QAA-POO Aboo Tonight
Nukuoro PN.QAA-POO Aboo nei Tonight (future)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QAA-POO Apoo Tonight
Tokelau PN.QAA-POO Aapoo Tonight
Tongan PN.QAA-POO ʔApoo Tonight (said during the day)
East Futuna PN.QAA-POGIPOGI ʔAapogipogi Tomorrow
East Futuna PN.QAA-POGIPOGI Apogipogi Demain (locatif); le lendemain
East Uvea PN.QAA-POGIPOGI ʔApogipogi Tomorrow
East Uvea PN.QAA-POGIPOGI ʔApogipogi ʔuhu Demain matin
Fijian PN.QAA-POGIPOGI Bogi Night Problematic
Niue PN.QAA-POGIPOGI Pogipogi Tomorrow
Tikopia PN.QAA-POGIPOGI Apogipogi Tomorrow
Tongan PN.QAA-POGIPOGI ʔApongipongi Tomorrow
New Zealand Maori EP.AA-POOPOO Aapoopoo Tomorrow; at some future time
Marquesas EP.AA-POOPOO Apopo Plus tard, dans la suite
Mangareva EP.AA-POOPOO Apoopoo Demain
Fijian MP.APU.A C/avu/-ta Pull up, eradicate Problematic
Hawaiian MP.APU.A Apu Destroy, ravage, ruin
New Zealand Maori MP.APU.A Apu Gather into the hands, clutch
Marquesas MP.APU.A ʔApu (MQS), kapu (MQN) Puiser Problematic
Tuamotu CE.APU.B Apu To completely enclose, seize in a cavity, as when a large fish seizes a smaller one in the mouth; to take the bait, as fish; to gobble, as a piece of food...
Rarotongan MP.APU.A Apu Chase, pursue, harry; strive hard for something, pursue a task vigorously
Rennellese MP.APU.A Apu To pick, as fruits, as in a basket; to pull
Tahitian CE.APU.B Apu, abu To dart or fly at each other, as pigs or fishes; to fall upon each other, as dogs when eating....
Tuamotu MP.APU.A Apu To grip, grasp
Hawaiian CE.APU.B Apu To snap or snatch with the teeth
New Zealand Maori CE.APU.B Apu Cram into the mouth; gorge, glut
Mangareva CE.APU.B Apu Appetit
Penrhyn CE.APU.B Apu/apau To feed voraciously on, chase and swallow
Rarotongan CE.APU.B Apu To fall fiercely upon each other when eating, as dogs do
Tahitian CE.APU.B Apu Se jeter sur une proie (comme le font les chiens, les poissons, les oiseaux de mer), mordre (a la pêche)
New Zealand Maori CE.APU.B Apu/apu Crammed, stuffed [ex. mouth with food]; palatable
Mangareva NP.AAPULU Apuru Suffocated or smothered by pressure of a crowd. Etre embarssé, gêné; être lourd, lâche (par maladie, climat)
East Uvea AN.ASA.1 Aha/aha Tailler un bois pour en diminuer grosseur
Fijian AN.ASA.1 Yaca To grate, grind, file
Lau AN.ASA.1 S/ata Rub, rub down, sharpen by rubbing
New Zealand Maori AN.ASA.1 Aha/aha Saw-like instrument of shark teeth set in a wooden mounting
Mota AN.ASA.1 Asa To rub, wash by rubbing
Rennellese AN.ASA.1 Haka/asa To clear, as a trail Problematic
Roviana AN.ASA.1 Asa/ia To grind, as an axe if very blunt; grate, as taro etc.
East Uvea FJ.QASA Aʔa Guéer, passer dans l’eau; fatigant, ennuyeux, importun Borrowed
Fijian FJ.QASA Yasa Go stealthily, as to take a thing by surprise
Rennellese FJ.QASA Haka/asa To clear, as a trail
Tongan FJ.QASA Aʔa(aʔa) Wade (through water or grass or dry leaves or branches etc.); push one’s way (more or less disrespectfully) through a crowd…. Phonologically Irregular
New Zealand Maori PN.ASEU Aheu Changeable wind from the south-east Borrowed Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue PN.ASEU Aheu A fish, large-size bluefin trevally (Caranx melampygus)
Luangiua PN.ASEU Ausihu Golden Trevally Phonologically Irregular
Tahitian PN.ASEU Aheu Name of a delicious sort of fish (Teuthis spinus)
East Futuna OC.ASI Asi (Eugenia clusiaefolia)
East Uvea OC.ASI Ahi Sandalwood, (Santalum spp.)