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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Ifira-Mele XO.GA-FOA.*A Gafoa Burst, shatter; go off (gun)
Vaeakau-Taumako XO.GA-FOA.*A Ngahoa, ngafoa Perforated, crushed, smashed, broken
Hawaiian CE.GA-FOA.*B Nahoa Head wound, intense headache
Hawaiian CE.GA-FOA.*B Naahoa/hoa Head wound, intense headache
Tahitian CE.GA-FOA.*B ʔAahoa/hoa Migraine (surtout due au bruit); être excédé par du bruit, des disputes
Tongan PN.GAFUA Ngofua Allowed, permitted, permissible, not prohibited
Emae PN.GAFULU.* Gafuru Ten
New Zealand Maori PN.GAFULU.* Ngahuru Ten (archaic)
Ifira-Mele PN.GAFULU.* Gafuru Ten
Moriori PN.GAFULU.* Ngahuru Ten
Penrhyn PN.GAFULU.* Ngahuru Ten
Pukapuka PN.GAFULU.* Lau/ngaulu Ten
Rarotongan PN.GAFULU.* Ngaʔuru Ten
Samoan PN.GAFULU.* Gafulu Ten . Not given by
Tikopia PN.GAFULU.* Gafulu Ten
Tuamotu PN.GAFULU.* ŋahuru Ten
West Futuna PN.GAFULU.* -gafuru Ten
Nuguria PN.GAHE-GAHE Tama nainai Ein fauler Arbeiter
Takuu PN.GAHE-GAHE Naenae Lazy, unmotivated; fatigue, laziness, tiredness, boredom; pant, as from fatigue
Nuguria PN.GAHE-GAHE Naenae Tired, exhausted
Nukuoro PN.GAHE-GAHE Ngaengae To become dizzy in the water
Samoan PN.GAHE-GAHE Gaigai To be exhausted, as by work or exposure to the sun
East Futuna PN.GAHE-GAHE Gae Souple (feuille passée à la flamme), flétri, chétif (plante); nom d'une maladie (sorte de forte grippe qui affaiblit)
New Zealand Maori PN.GAHELE Ngaere Soft, quake, oscillate, as a bog
Samoan PN.GAHELE Gaele Shake, oscillate, as a bog
East Futuna NP.GAQI-GAQI Gaʔigaʔi-saa Fast breathing, exhausted
Samoan NP.GAQI-GAQI Gaigai Exhausted by work, exposure to sun
Rarotongan TA.GAIKA Ngaika/ika A kind of coral that irritates the skin when handled
East Uvea PN.GAAKAU Gaakau Intestin, boyaux, entrailles, tripes
Hawaiian PN.GAAKAU Naʔau Intestines, bowels, guts; mind, heart, affections; mood, temper, feelings
New Zealand Maori PN.GAAKAU Ngaakau Intestines; seat of the emotions
Nuguria PN.GAAKAU Nakau Intestine
Niue PN.GAAKAU Gaakau Intestines
Penrhyn PN.GAAKAU Ngaakau Intestines, guts
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.GAAKAU Nga(a)kau Intestines, guts, chest, gullet or some other central body part, mainly used in idioms for feelings; plan, think, decide, want
Pukapuka PN.GAAKAU Ngaakau Internal organs; heart, disposition, character
Rapa PN.GAAKAU Ngakau Intestines. Guts (Grn).
Rarotongan PN.GAAKAU Ngaakau Intestines
Samoan PN.GAAKAU Gaaʔau Intestines. Bowel; penis (rarely used) (McP).
Tahitian PN.GAAKAU ʔAaʔau Intestins, boyaux; coeur, conscience, âme
Tikopia PN.GAAKAU Ngakau Interior of mouth, throat, gullet; guts
Tongan PN.GAAKAU Ngaakau Intestines
Hawaiian EC.GA-AKE Naʔe Easterly or windward part
Mangareva EC.GA-AKE Gake The part of an island extending towards the east
New Zealand Maori CE.GAKI.A Ngaki Apply oneself to, occupy oneself intently with, strive for
Ra'ivavae CE.GAKI.A ŋaʔi To occupy oneself with, apply oneself devotedly or intently to, strive for...; to fulfill, carry out Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rarotongan PN.GAKO Ngako Internal fat of fish or animals
Easter Island NP.GAA-LAFU ŋarahu White powder or dust used in tattooing
Takuu NP.GAA-LAFU Naa nafu Encrusted layers of greyish ash residue in a hearth; dust Phonologically Irregular
New Zealand Maori EP.GAARARA Ngaarara Reptile, monster; insect