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61263 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Penrhyn PN.QAATEA Aatea Wide, distant, apart; side, surroundings, clear and open place. Light; the space above the earth (Bck).
Pukapuka PN.QAATEA Aatea/tea To expose, uncover. Wide, clear space (Sby).
Rarotongan PN.QAATEA Aatea Wide, clear space, place of uninterrupted view
Samoan PN.QAATEA Aatea Clear, unoccupied, free from obstruction
Samoan PN.QAATEA Atea Lee side of canoe Problematic
Tahitian PN.QAATEA Atea Clear, having no obstruction, no obscurity; openness, clearness, distinctness; distant, far off
Tahitian PN.QAATEA Aatea Lointain, éloigné, distant
Takuu PN.QAATEA Aatea Free from restrictions of shame or forbiddance or ignorance to undertake a specific task; (of a house or area) clean; neat, uncluttered; (of water) clean, clear, free of impurities; (of the sky) clear, free of clouds
Tokelau PN.QAATEA Aatea Clearing, open space
Tongan PN.QAATEA ʔAatea With nothing in the hands, empty-handed
Fijian PN.QATE-LOA Ate balavu Spleen (lit. "long liver") Problematic
Tahitian PN.QATE-LOA Ateroa The milt or spleen
East Uvea PN.QATE-PILI Ate pili Rognon
Emae PN.QATE-PILI Atepiri Pancreas ?
Niue PN.QATE-PILI Ate pili Spleen
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QATE-PILI Ate phili Lung
Rennellese PN.QATE-PILI ʔAte pigi Kidney
Samoan PN.QATE-PILI Ate pili Spleen ; pancreas
Tokelau PN.QATE-PILI Ate pili Spleen
Tongan PN.QATE-PILI ʔAte pili Spleen
West Futuna PN.QATE-PILI Tepiri Spleen
East Futuna PN.ATI.1 Ti Ensuite; alors; et puis
New Zealand Maori PN.ATI.1 Ati Narrative conjunction, "then"
Niue PN.ATI.1 Ati Narrative conjunction: and then
Niue PN.ATI.1 Ti Phrasal or narrative conjunction: and, and then, and so
Easter Island PN.ATI.2 Atiati Wait for (Chl). Not in (Fts)
East Uvea PN.ATI.2 Asiasi Aller en éclaireur Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.ATI.2 Atiati Drive away Problematic
Mangareva PN.ATI.2 A/ati Wait for. Espérer, attendre un peu
Niue PN.ATI.2 Faka/ati Peep into, look at. To check on someone or something (Sph).
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.ATI.2 Asi/asi/a Spy on [Nupani Dialect]
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.ATI.2 Fk/asi/asia Peep at, spy on
Rotuman PN.ATI.2 Ati Visit, inspect, try, attempt Borrowed
Samoan PN.ATI.2 A(a)ti/aʔi To go softly towards in order to seize, as a bird or an enemy; to take by surprise (Prt)
Tongan PN.ATI.2 Asiasi Keep a lookout for
Tongan PN.HALA-MATUQA Hala motua Grande route, chemin battu
Niue PN.QATI.1 Ati Penetrate, enter, break through
Rennellese PN.QATI.1 ʔAti/ʔati Project, stand out
Samoan PN.QATI.1 Ati Go through, pierce, penetrating , pierce
Tongan PN.QATI.1 ʔAsi Protrude, emerge, show itself, etc. Traverser; sillonner (éclair) (Btn).
Nukuoro SO.QATI.2 Adi Relate news or gossip
Nukuoro SO.QATI.2 Adi longo Tattle
Rennellese SO.QATI.2 ʔAti gongo Tell
Sikaiana SO.QATI.2 Ati lono Spread the news
Tikopia SO.QATI.2 Ati Suppose, allege, hold, think, affirm; call, term, name
East Futuna PN.QATI.3 ʔEti Build in stone (as a wall)
East Futuna PN.QATI.3 Ati Maçonner ; construire avec des pierres (Sigave)
East Futuna PN.QATI.3 Eti Maçonner, construire avec des pierres (Alo dialect)
East Futuna PN.QATI.3 Aati/ga Augmenter, accroitre (dans les cantiques) Problematic
Niue PN.QATI.3 Ati To build (traditionally to collect stones and material for building a house