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16729 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Mangareva CE.KOO-NIFI Koni Marche de la tortue; marcher sur ses pieds et sur ses mains; marcher accroupi sur ses talons Phonologically Irregular
Rotuman CP.KONO ʔOno To strain (e.g. under a burden); to feel as a heavy strain, especially with groaning; press downwards with groans (of woman in travail)
Samoan CP.KONO ʔO/ʔono/ Bear down (as a woman in labour); push
Tokelau CP.KONO Kokono Strain, make intense effort (as in lifting a heavy object or as a woman in labour
Rarotongan TA.KOPA.3 Kopa Dent, small hollow made by pressure or blow
Tahitian TA.KOO-PANI ʔOopani Porte de maison, de jardin; fermer une porte, une fenêtre, un coffre; interdire, fermer; terminer, clore un travail
New Zealand Maori TA.KOO-PAPA Koopapa A small canoe Problematic
Rarotongan TA.KOO-PAPA Koopapa Main part, bulk, basis, mass; body (living or dead)
Rennellese NP.KOPE Kope Objects slept on, esp. baghu mats, tapa, sheets, pillow
New Zealand Maori CE.KOO-PEE Koopee In a soft mass, pulpy; pliable
Marquesas CE.KOO-PEKA.1 Kopeka (MQN), kopeʔa, ʔopeʔa (MQS) Espece d'hirondelle, salangane des Marquises, oiseau de la famille des apodidés
Hawaiian CE.KOOPERU ʔOopelu Mackerel Scad (Decapterus pinnulatus)
Marquesas CE.KOOPERU Kopáiu Mackerel, smaller than ours
Penrhyn CE.KOOPERU Kooperu Mackerel ; scad, mackerel (Decapterus spp.)
Pukapuka CE.KOOPERU Koopelu A fish (Decapterus macarellus) Problematic
Rarotongan CE.KOOPERU Kooperu Mackerel scad (Decapterus pinnulatus)
New Zealand Maori MP.KOPI.A Koopi-a Gather together into small compass. Passive/imperative
Mangaia MP.KOPI.A Kopi/kopi Double together; make a tuck in sewing
Marquesas MP.KOPI.A Kopi Fermer; ramasser, réunir
Marquesas MQ.KOO-PIO Kopiʔo. Kopio (1ŋ04). Non parvenu à parfaite maturite; trop tendre
Mangareva CE.KOO-PIRI Kopiri/piri S'appuyer ça et là par honte, par cause de maladie; s'attacher a quelqu'un, se serrer contre quelqu'un. Stick to; apply closely to; nuzzle up close to anyone through shame or sickness; to go from one tree to another, as children do when called (Tgr).
Hawaiian CE.KOO-PIRO ʔOopilo(pilo) Bad-smelling, as stagnant water; a marshy odor; halitosis
New Zealand Maori CE.KOO-PIRO Koopiro Steeped in water to ferment, as maize Intestines
Marquesas CE.KOO-PIRO Koopiʔo, ʔoopiʔo. ʔOpio (MQS), kopio (MQN) (Lch). Immature (of bananas, bamboo); abortif. Non mûr, trop tendre (Lch).
Sikaiana NP.KOPI-TI Kopiti Narrow; confined in a small space
Mangareva TA.KOO-PITO Kopito Eprouver des douleurs d'estomac pour avoir trop differé à manger. ...pour avoir jeûné (Rch).
Penrhyn TA.KOO-PITO Tuupito Pain in the stomach Problematic
Rarotongan CE.KOO-PORO ʔOoporo Capsicum, chilli, small red pepper Problematic
Tokelau MP.KOOPUU.A Koopuu Gut, stomach (of fish)
Niue MP.KOOPUU.A Kaupuu ika Stomach of a fish Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island EC.KOOPUU.B Koopuu Abdomen, belly, paunch, stomach. Stomach (the organ) (Wbr).
Hawaiian EC.KOOPUU.B ʔOopuu Belly, stomach, abdomen, tripe, giblet, gizzard, bladder, crop of a bird, maw of an animal, womb
Marquesas EC.KOOPUU.B Kopu (MQN), ʔopu (MQS). Koopuu (Mtu). Belly, stomach. Vemtre. estomac.
Mangareva EC.KOOPUU.B Koopuu. Kopu (Atl). Stomach (i). Ventre, panse (se dit aussi de la grosseur d'un tronc d'arbre). Ventre, belly (Atl).
Rarotongan EC.KOOPUU.B Koopuu Belly, stomach
Takuu EC.KOOPUU.B Koopuu Stomach (organ) of any animal; pocket...sack, bag; head of an octopus
Tuamotu EC.KOOPUU.B Koopuu Belly, stomach
Rarotongan CK.KOO-PUTA Kooputa(puta) To pierce, make a hole through anything, broach
Rarotongan CE.KOOPUTU Kooputu A bird, the Herald Petrel (Pterodroma heraldica)
Marquesas AN.KOSI Koi Inflammation aux cuisses; excoriation Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas CE.KOO-SUMU Kohumu. Kohumu/humu (Atl). Murmur, grumble, gossip. Murmurer, chuchoter, grommeler, grogner, marmotter, critiquer, injurier tout bas. Boudeur; moody, sulky (ronchonner, grumble) (Atl).
Penrhyn CE.KOO-TAFA.A Kootaha Female frigate-bird frigatebird
Pukapuka CE.KOO-TAFA.A Kotawa Males of both spp. of Frigatebird (kootawa and kootaa appear in a few chants, poss. early contact period Borrowed
Marquesas MQ.KO-TAKE Kotake, pitake (MQN), kotaʔe, pitaʔe (MQS); pinake (Ua Pou) Sterne blanche des Marquises, oiseau de la famille des laridés
Rarotongan TA.KOO-TARE.1 Ngootare Chattering Kingfisher (Todiramphus tuta) (Atiu, Ma'uke) Phonologically Irregular
Rapa TA.KOO-TARE.2 Tama otare Orphan (?) Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.KOTE Kote/kote Make a smacking noise with the lips
Pukapuka AN.KOTI.1 (Ko)koti Cut, divide, mark
Rarotongan CE.KOTI-GA Kootinga Division or demarcation, boundary, limit, section, stage
Tahitian CE.KOTI-GA Otia A boundary, limit, or land mark