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61263 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Emae NP.QAAWAGA.A Avaga/ina Marry, be married
Ifira-Mele NP.QAAWAGA.A Avaga Married
Nukuoro SO.AAVA Ava Relief, be relieved
Samoan SO.AAVA Ava The wife of a common man
Tokelau SO.AAVA Aava Respect, politeness, honour
Samoan SO.AAVA Aavaa Wife
Nukumanu NP.QAAWAGA.A Avana Spouse. Wedding; to marry (Trt).
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.QAAWAGA.A Avanga Spouse; marriage
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.QAAWAGA.A Avanga/ina Consummate (marriage)
Niue OC.FAGU.2 Fagu To blow (usually refers to the blowing of the nose)
Niue OC.FAGU.2 Fagu/fagu Breathe heavily, pant
Samoan NP.QAAWAGA.A Avaga To marry, applied only to the woman
Samoan NP.QAAWAGA.A Avaga/ga A marrying, a marriage . Girl who has eloped
Tokelau NP.QAAWAGA.A Aavaga Spouse; be married
Pukapuka XW.QAAWAGA.B Waka/aavanga The lover's act of copulating with his deceased beloved's body while it is laid out for the funeral wake
West Uvea NP.QAAWAGA.A Avanga Epouser, se marier
East Futuna XW.QAAWAGA.B ʔAavaga Illness, often associated with a dream of a sexual nature and believed to have a spiritual rather than a physical cause. Symptoms may include irrational behaviour. Treatment includes massage with bad-smelling herbs inimical to spirits
East Uvea XW.QAAWAGA.B ʔAavanga Hystérie, convulsion hystériforme
Niue XW.QAAWAGA.B Aavaga Wet dream, sexy, succubus (refers to traditional belief of sleeping males having sex with female spirit, as in dreams) Borrowed
Niue XW.QAAWAGA.B Avanga Irregular liaison (from Samoan). Sexual connection (Tgr). Borrowed
Rennellese XW.QAAWAGA.B ʔAabanga Rotten, as the interior of a papaya Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan XW.QAAWAGA.B ʔAavanga Sickness caused (or believed to be caused) by a fa`ahikehe or tevolo. Be fascinated or infatuated by, or strongly attracted to a girl (or a boy) as if enchanted or bewitched Borrowed Problematic
Tongan XW.QAAWAGA.B ʔAavangaa To develop a terrible craze for, as if bewitched; to be infatuated Borrowed Problematic
Tongan XW.QAAWAGA.B ʔAavangaʔia To be sick with an `aavanga Borrowed Problematic
New Zealand Maori CE.AWATEA.* Awatea Broad daylight
Mangareva CE.AWATEA.* Avatea Midi
Penrhyn CE.AWATEA.* Avatea Daytime
Rarotongan CE.AWATEA.* Avatea Forenoon nine to twelve
Tahitian CE.AWATEA.* Avatea Le midi, la mi-journée de 10 h à 15 h
Tuamotu CE.AWATEA.* Avatea Late morning to early afternoon
East Uvea PN.QAW-ATU ʔAvatu Emporter, emmener, donner (de la première personne à la deuxième personnne)
Kapingamarangi PN.QAWE-HIFO Gaweia Bring down (from higher place, or from east to west) Problematic
Nuguria SO.KAV-ATU Kavatu Give
Nuguria SO.KAV-ATU Kavatu (ni tama) Fortsenden (einen Mann)
Luangiua PN.QAW-ATU Vaku. Au aku (Sar). Give, present
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QAW-ATU Avatu Give (to you)
Pukapuka PN.QAW-ATU Ava/atu To give, to tell, to announce
Rennellese PN.QAW-ATU ʔAbatu Give away, as to a third person not far away
Rennellese PN.QAW-ATU ʔAba- Give, convey
East Uvea PN.QAWE-HIFO ʔAvaifo Enterrer un mort, porter en bas, inhumer, ensevelir
Tongan PN.QAW-ATU ʔOatu, ʔatu Take, send, give, lend (away)
West Futuna PN.QAW-ATU Avatu Give or bring to addressee. Donner à toi (Rve).
East Futuna NP.AWA-AWA Avaava Crevasse des récifs
Hawaiian NP.AWA-AWA Awaawa Valley, gulch, ravine
Mangareva NP.AWA-AWA Avava Nom d'une partie du récif
Pukapuka NP.AWA-AWA Avaava Small opening in reef
Samoan NP.AWA-AWA Avaava A small opening in the reef
Sikaiana NP.AWA-AWA Avaava Small channels used by fish
New Zealand Maori PN.AWE.A Awe White hair from dog tail, hair from about fontanelles; soot; cloud
Moriori PN.AWE.A I/awe Soot